(no subject)

Aug 23, 2009 18:41

So it's not until you're gone from everything you knew so well
That you start to realize which things u mean to keep
And which you never meant to have
One week away from home and I've got one damn good idea as to what I'm going to do
With you, with me, with work, with school, with life.

So I've noticed I'm a lot more religious than I thought I was.
I've noticed I'm far smarter than I thought I was.
And I've noticed that I'm scared. Very scared. Incredibly scared.
Of what I don't know or fully understand.

So we said August would change things, or things would change in August.
Whatever the case. It's happening and last time, it was a terrible shift.
But this time, it'll be for the better, and we will all come out of this fall
Stronger, braver, smarter, more confident, and down right more OPEN to life.

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