Oct 03, 2005 15:57

My department is looking for a student worker to help build Flash and Flash Communication projects.
Potential candidates would ideally have a knowledge of some sort of programming (Java, JS, C++, Perl, etc) as the job consists mainly of programming in ActionScript*. An object-oriented mindset is a big plus.

Pay starts at $8.50/hr with potential for raises**

To apply, email a copy of your resume to michael.lively@uc.edu.

*ActionScript was originally based on JavaScript
**note: raises are only allotted quarterly

on a personal note: If it will help you decide if you want the job, here is my take on my job:

I'd really like to work with friends of mine, and it should be noted that I came into this job with only a faint memory of programming from high school AP C++ courses and some tinkering with JavaScript. I've been given a lot of help with using the FlashComm server and technology, and I'm given ample time to finish and debug programs. My method is to pseudo-code the principles of the program, then psuedo-code details, and then finally, I use the actionscript dictionary to find a way to make the my ideas work with the code available.

Another task I frequently am assigned is to take a crappy program that my boss hacked out in a short period of time (a few hrs to a couple days) and then refine it, make it dynamic, and finally break it up into components. So basically, I take a hard-coded initial idea, and make it object-oriented so that the components can be reused.
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