belated friday five

Sep 25, 2007 00:11

  1. Did you write a list to Santa when you were little? Do you write a Christmas present wish list now?

As a small child I only ever asked for one or two things each Christmas and I was more than satisfied with my loot on Christmas morning.  Now, per request of my parents, I make a list of about 10 things I'd like to have simple to make shopping easier on them. 
  1. What are the top 10 things on your list this year?

iTunes gift certificate, The Office; Season 3, LOST; Season 3, Ukelele, Trumpet, New Laptop, Photoshop, Music editing software, and two wild-cards!

  1. What are the three (or 1, 2, 4, 5) best presents you ever received as a child and why?

My kitten, Tweety, because I was seven and that's what I wanted most.  A pirate action figure playset, because pirates are cool and I got hours of fun out of it.  Lastly, probably a Kermit the Frong puppet because I was obsessed with the muppets.
  1. What are the top 5 movies you think everyone should see and why?

Casablanca because it's damned good.  Citizen Kane because it's rated the best movie ever in pretty much every poll.  RUDY because it's damn inspiring.  Fargo because the acting is so damned good.  And Litle Miss Sunshine because it's the best family movie I've ever seen.  I could list 5 more if you want...

  1. Which comes first, success or happiness? Or, to think of it a different way, does happiness follow success or are you only successful when you acheive happiness? Are they even necessarily related?

Happiness comes after success.  Or at least that's where I'm at in life right now.  Of course I can be happy, or have happy experiences without success, but for now, I need success to be happy in the long run. 
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