Heyo! So, I'm back, should be pretty much back into full tagging-force very soon. Missy Miss Mickerson
ambitious_woman will be back soon, as well, but she's still enjoying her well-earned vay-kay. I'm sure I'll do an obnoxious picspam at some point.
What this post is, though, uh, is something I've wanted to do for a while: (
Pimp Out RelativeSpace )
But yeah, it looks awesome. And pimping things is always cool. :)
While we have an SJA Sarah, we just so happen to be in need of a Doctor Who-era Sarah Jane...
So, um. You guys really should have a DW-era SJ because she is made of awesome and win. Not that I'm biased or anything.
If I did consider joining, how would I go about doing it? *is weak*
Then you mail it to relativelymodly AT gmail DOT com. Mention you heard it from me, I'll vouch for ya! =D
And thanks ahead of time for the vouching. :)
First: do I have to create another character journal or can I use this one for yet another RP?
Second: wherE exactly does this take place? Like, I read over some of the top posts in the community and everything and the rules and what not, and I'm slightly confused as to exaclty how this works. I get the whole post and tagging system thing, but as for a physical location/time/how the hell everyone gets there, I'm a little lost.
Third: Description I take it is pretty much your basic character summary? And backstory, would that be like up to the point in canon you're pulling a character in from? So, say I have Sarah come in from after Pyramids of Mars or something -- would I mention everything up to there or what?
Fourth: High-Council Protocol what? That I do not get at all ( ... )
Second: Present day London, right? Oh man, I'm totally picturing SJ meeting her future self and just going a little "um, Doctor, this isn't supposed to be happening now is it?" New question though! How exactly would she, my SJ, wind up there, aside from with the Doctor? Or do they randomly get pulled there, or...?
Third: Okay!
Fourth: Oaky, I think I get that.
Fifth: Ahaha, thanks. I guess there's no backing out of this now. XD
I'll probably work on filling out what I didn't of the app in between studying for exams today. Because it makes for such a wonderful break in time.
Okay, question. For era of DW, how do you classify them exactly? Like, putting down "Tom Baker era" should be fine?
Second: a) That would be awesome. The older!Sarah takes a slightly different turn with her, which might be very interesting to play off of a younger!Sarah! b) Well, what we usually do is someone hops on the communicator, confused as all hell, and then others head out to pick them up. My Ten is picking up this universe's Mickey, actually, right now. There are so many TARDISes and other ships around, someone shares a boat. =D
Fifth: Hey, if you decide you don't want to, ain't a thing, no one will be upset. That being said, YOU MUST DO IT OMG!! *flail* *flail*
I'd say "Tom Baker era" should be fine. In your tags in the community, you'll probably be Sarah Jane Smith (younger), to distinguish. That's what we did in the brief time we had a young!Sarah. Still less complex than my tag. Doctor (Ten) (Alt 4). *shakes head*
Okay, so questions again. Once I get the app in and if it's approved and everything and I join the community, I guess then what would happen in game is that my Sarah would get a communicator and not know what's going on and call someone and that's how she'd get involveD?
Also, what did you mean by "older!Sarah takes a slightly different turn with her" and do I have to know anything about the brief time ya'll did have a different young!Sarah?
Man, sorry about all the questions. I half feel like I'm chanelling my pup right about now.
Pretty much, yeah. The communicator can appear anywhere, and she can simply pick it up and it'll start transmitting. Someone (usually multiple people) will come to pick her up.
And no, you play young!Sarah exactly how you want to. Older!Sarah is, literally, a different character. Play your girl how you would play her! *bounces more* I'm so excited to have you. You have no idea.
Ahaha, I am playing young!Sarah how I want. I was just curious what you meant by that statement, exactly. Like, I mean I've seen canon and stuff and I know she's different older, but more like what you meant by different? Yeeeah, I lose at my grasp of the English language sometimes.
And heee. I'm really getting excited about playing now. :D
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