for couples_therapy: Distance

Apr 30, 2008 16:08

She's far away.

She's far away though right across the room.

Though right across the room, he can still feel the distance.

He can still feel the distance when they're together.

When they're together, holding hands, everything should be all right.

Holding hands, everything should be all right but it isn't.

But it isn't and he's slowly working out what's changed.

And he's slowly working out what's changed (It's probably her, he figures).

It's probably him, he figures. He's always been the one who changes.

He's always been the one who changes. Changes his mind, changes his appearance…

Changes his mind, changes his appearance, she's seen it all.

She's seen it all; she knows what he's like underneath his boyish features and wide grin.

She knows what he's like underneath his boyish features and wide grin and that terrifies him.

And that terrifies him, his own fear of her comprehending him.

His own fear of her comprehending him: Her understanding things he keeps hidden.

Her understanding things he keeps hidden, he keeps them hidden for a reason!

He keeps them hidden for a reason and she whittles away at that wall.

And she whittles away at that wall, destroying every barrier he's ever put up.

Destroying every barrier he's put up, so he builds more.

So he builds more…because he has to

Because he has to keep safe, keep her out, keep her from understanding.

Keep safe, keep her out, keep her from understanding. It's better this way.

It's better this way, she'll understand that eventually.

She'll understand that eventually and then she'll understand everything.

And then she'll understand everything… the thought is somewhat exciting, actually.

The thought is somewhat exciting, actually, though completely terrifying.

Though completely terrifying, and that's what he has to keep in the forefront of his mind

That's what he has to keep in the forefront of his mind; he has to keep himself safe.

Keep himself safe, keep her safe.

Keep her safe, keep her at a distance.

Keep her at a distance until she's far away.

She's far away.

Muse: The Doctor (Ten)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 345

community: couples therapy

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