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OOC _fredless July 15 2006, 05:03:08 UTC
I utterly LOVED this, and I know nothing about the fandom other than what our lovely Illyria mun has shared with me on a chatty night here and there.



Re: OOC ibringlife July 15 2006, 09:16:26 UTC
Haha I think I love her for working Illyria in there at the end.

Also, my Rose approves.



Re: OOC antigone_grace July 15 2006, 21:47:09 UTC
Haha I think I love her for working Illyria in there at the end.

Me, too.


Re: OOC rude_not_ginger July 15 2006, 22:00:39 UTC
For some reason, it just fit, it being Illyria. I tried to write it as someone else and was like, "This isn't working. Oh, look, Illyria-mun just walked in the door, I'll ask her if I can use Illyria!"


Re: OOC perfectblue July 15 2006, 22:15:06 UTC
Best. thing. ever.

I somehow didn't realize you were going to use her RIGHT NOW for this prompt, more like it was a vague "hey, wanna do this for plot later?" thing.

So it was a nice surprise when I actually read it. :D


Re: OOC rude_not_ginger July 15 2006, 22:49:31 UTC
Well, if you ever do wanna do it as a plot, you know I'm up for it at any time. *loves on Illyria*

I just couldn't get it outta my head. She's a LOT like Romana, she's the type of person he'd take around the universe to show them the humanity in it.


Re: OOC perfectblue July 15 2006, 23:18:27 UTC
Dude, ever since you told me about the Romana calling herself Fred thing, I've had the Illyria-Romana parallel stuck in my head since.

It could be cool plot.

Also, now I want to watch Romana episodes.


Re: OOC rude_not_ginger July 15 2006, 23:29:45 UTC
Dude, HELLS YES. I'm asking for the whole "Key to Time" series on DVD for my birthday, I hope someone comes through. I know you can download 'em, try that super sekrit comm.

Illyria's most like the first incarnation of Romana, though there is definitely a bit of her in Romana II.


Re: OOC _fredless July 16 2006, 03:30:52 UTC
Illyria at the end was the BEST. It made my Fred very sad to read, for obvious reasons. But a wonderful read. I was all ...ILLY!!!!! when she appeared.


Re: OOC rude_not_ginger July 15 2006, 21:59:39 UTC
Then, I more than appreciate the compliment! It's hard to make someone enjoy reading about a fandom of which they know very little!

Listen to Illyria-mun, do some downloadin'! It's a fantastic show!


Re: OOC _fredless July 16 2006, 03:28:36 UTC
Oh, we get our fangirl on quite often, and I respect her taste greatly. You can bet I will be giving it a view!

Again, this was a beautiful post!


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