for muses_inthesack: 49 tag: Greet the morning exhausted, for alainn_aislinn

Mar 07, 2008 22:05

Set in the canon/AU (supercomplex!) 'verse following this thread (thread is adult in nature)

He didn't sleep often. He never really, truly needed to. Oh, the occasional hour or two of unwind time and meditation, yes. But not really sleep. Especially after the War, sleep came harder and with far more nightmares.

But after this night, after the rather sudden meeting with this strange woman now lying in his arms, he found himself pleasantly exhausted. Pleasant. That was a new sensation, as of late. And he slept a dreamless sleep. Also a new sensation.

He woke a few hours later and continued to lie next to her. He didn't know how long her species slept, but she was from Earth. He could only assume her sleep schedule sat along with the sun. If he was wrong, he was wrong. It would be less polite to move and wake her. He was far from certain how he felt about this woman, this Aislinn. Or this situation. Or the entirely too-human act of bringing a woman from a bar to a hotel sat with him. He was becoming more like them, the Master was right.

Still. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple.

roleplay: incomplete, exercise: 49 tag challenge, featuring: aislinn, community: muses in the sack

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