It's easy to forget. I barely helped with that at all. "You should slide that there." You're ridiculous. That's called criticism. No credit is due for that.
Well. To start with guys. Gosh! Dice Away... It's really fast and heavy. But really you don't care. You never care!!! Just kidding. But it was me and Smee. No reason to explain it when that's all you care about.
And Heroin Blackhouse is very dark. But it starts out slow. Yet dark :) From what I've heard of them... It sounds very Dir en grey-ish. The words anyway. I don't know about the music. And as for who did what... I'm really feeling the love from you. That was us. The first one we did together. I think it's probably the only one... It was back when you hated me. We bonded over this. You told me life stories. It was kind of special. So yes. You and I did all of it. Thank you for cherishing that memory too.
As for Plasticity Spiral, the term is spelled tremolo. It's one note played really fast over and over. Or it can be between two notes. Ah! I know how to explain this. I don't know the song but it's some DVD you have... I know you'll know what I'm talking about. Where the guitarist walks down the catwalk and is playing really fast and high pitched under the other guitar. There's some guy in the audience in a sheep suit. Anyway, if done right, it sounds hella cool. If not, it sounds pathetic and ameteur. I like to think Plasticity Spiral is done right. Considering. It's mine. Thanks for acknowledging me so much... But really, I do think it is good. Most people can't play them at all and just sound terrible. You know that little bar you can swing around on a guitar? Vice has one. The sound produced is actually not even close to the way I just described it. It just vibrates a lot. But PS did have the fast picking and the vibration... So I guess it has different kinds of tremolo. Actually... I think I've heard that a drum roll is a tremolo? I really don't know. But if so, it has that too! There are basically a lot of definitions for a tremolo and I'm trying to explain this to you. And you'll forget an hour after you read it. But that's okay. The point here is that I did both parts, but Pummer helped with the first.
I can't remember Air or Depth either.
And the best I can do for credit on Nuclear (War) Family is that it wasn't me. I remember it though. Are you sure it wasn't you? Shit, we can eliminate me and hooch right off. Who else is there? Smee and Pummer. Doesn't sound like Smee to me, and it's pretty unlikely that it would be Pummer. Statistic-wise.
Because You're Waiting was you. No one else is that psycho. I don't know if hooch helped or not. I wasn't around back then. But I do know it was you.
Red Killer... I remember having to help hooch with it a bit, but I don't think I was around for that one either, so I'm afraid I don't know. (But I think I worship whoever did it because the beginning is awesome.)
[MONO] is a complete mystery to me too. I can't even think of it. I know it's very recent though.
What am I missing? Fade Slowly? I think that was hooch too. Someone else may have helped. I just know I wasn't a part of it.
Axel, I don't think a drum roll is a tremolo. I think it's a roll on different percussion instruments - like xylophones. I'll ask my dad. I'm not completely sure.
Oh, and you may commence worshipping me. Because I did Red Killer. But BAM, you did the first part. I think it's funny no one remembers that. That was back in her "bitter" period. If you looked at it, I'd thing you could guess that. "So you think I'd play you that way?!" "We'll see what you think when your thoughts are spilled... all over my kitchen floor." Sometimes. At night. When we're together. I think of that. And I'm afraid. The murderous fury there is just insane. I don't even remember most of it, but I remember it's horrifyingly graphic and purely furious. It scares me a little. Especially since I was just like "Haha look what I did! :D" And she was all "Oh that’s nice! You giving it to hooch? ^^" "Do you want it?" "Possibly... If you don't mind ^^" Happy cheery perky BAM... And then she hands it back to me the next day with that. Homaigawd.
I didn't help with Fade Slowly either, and Nuclear (War) Family is certainly not mine! I think it’s yours...
Give me a while to think about the others. I can vaguely hear all of them, but not clearly enough yet.
Woah. Um. *blush* I spent so long analyzing the components of Red Killer I'd forgotten what it actually said... That was me huh? *coughs* Wow... Yeahhhh. I was really mad... >->;
I think Nuclear (War) Family is mine too ^^;;; Whoops. I forgot it until what hooch said... Gah.
I'm sure NWF was yours. I know it wasn't me and it sounds a lot like you.
I'm confusing Media Whore and Sinful... Sinful is the one that starts out crazy bass and stuff right? That sounds like your typical BAM and Axel collaboration... But it also has Smee-like characteristics... And yet I know hooch was a part of it. That was no help. I do know hooch was definitely a part of it, but it wasn't all him.
I don't remember [MONO] either. We're all fucked. But I remembe Media Whore and I know you had a part in that. I don't know what kind of part though... Sorry.
Oh, by the way! hooch tells me you're planning on destroying Mess(iah). Good luck with that. I'm pretty excited. I love how rivalrous this is becoming!
Well I have at last found Media Whore in the Gmail. That was actually a rather unconventional collaboration of me and Smee. Then we gave it to Axel and hooch. And of course I fixed that one bit. But that doesn't count ^^
I'm still looking for [MONO]. I'm getting the feeling it's very hooch-ish.
Well. To start with guys. Gosh! Dice Away... It's really fast and heavy. But really you don't care. You never care!!! Just kidding. But it was me and Smee. No reason to explain it when that's all you care about.
And Heroin Blackhouse is very dark. But it starts out slow. Yet dark :) From what I've heard of them... It sounds very Dir en grey-ish. The words anyway. I don't know about the music. And as for who did what... I'm really feeling the love from you. That was us. The first one we did together. I think it's probably the only one... It was back when you hated me. We bonded over this. You told me life stories. It was kind of special. So yes. You and I did all of it. Thank you for cherishing that memory too.
As for Plasticity Spiral, the term is spelled tremolo. It's one note played really fast over and over. Or it can be between two notes. Ah! I know how to explain this. I don't know the song but it's some DVD you have... I know you'll know what I'm talking about. Where the guitarist walks down the catwalk and is playing really fast and high pitched under the other guitar. There's some guy in the audience in a sheep suit. Anyway, if done right, it sounds hella cool. If not, it sounds pathetic and ameteur. I like to think Plasticity Spiral is done right. Considering. It's mine. Thanks for acknowledging me so much... But really, I do think it is good. Most people can't play them at all and just sound terrible. You know that little bar you can swing around on a guitar? Vice has one. The sound produced is actually not even close to the way I just described it. It just vibrates a lot. But PS did have the fast picking and the vibration... So I guess it has different kinds of tremolo. Actually... I think I've heard that a drum roll is a tremolo? I really don't know. But if so, it has that too! There are basically a lot of definitions for a tremolo and I'm trying to explain this to you. And you'll forget an hour after you read it. But that's okay. The point here is that I did both parts, but Pummer helped with the first.
I can't remember Air or Depth either.
And the best I can do for credit on Nuclear (War) Family is that it wasn't me. I remember it though. Are you sure it wasn't you? Shit, we can eliminate me and hooch right off. Who else is there? Smee and Pummer. Doesn't sound like Smee to me, and it's pretty unlikely that it would be Pummer. Statistic-wise.
Because You're Waiting was you. No one else is that psycho. I don't know if hooch helped or not. I wasn't around back then. But I do know it was you.
Red Killer... I remember having to help hooch with it a bit, but I don't think I was around for that one either, so I'm afraid I don't know. (But I think I worship whoever did it because the beginning is awesome.)
[MONO] is a complete mystery to me too. I can't even think of it. I know it's very recent though.
What am I missing? Fade Slowly? I think that was hooch too. Someone else may have helped. I just know I wasn't a part of it.
Hope that was of some use to you... It's long!
Oh, and you may commence worshipping me. Because I did Red Killer. But BAM, you did the first part. I think it's funny no one remembers that. That was back in her "bitter" period. If you looked at it, I'd thing you could guess that. "So you think I'd play you that way?!" "We'll see what you think when your thoughts are spilled... all over my kitchen floor." Sometimes. At night. When we're together. I think of that. And I'm afraid. The murderous fury there is just insane. I don't even remember most of it, but I remember it's horrifyingly graphic and purely furious. It scares me a little. Especially since I was just like "Haha look what I did! :D" And she was all "Oh that’s nice! You giving it to hooch? ^^" "Do you want it?" "Possibly... If you don't mind ^^" Happy cheery perky BAM... And then she hands it back to me the next day with that. Homaigawd.
I didn't help with Fade Slowly either, and Nuclear (War) Family is certainly not mine! I think it’s yours...
Give me a while to think about the others. I can vaguely hear all of them, but not clearly enough yet.
"love for the sake of love is just a song for the sake of singing!"
im not sure if thats supposed to be a joke or a pun or what, but thats hilarious.
and in that case... i like it ^_^
I think Nuclear (War) Family is mine too ^^;;; Whoops. I forgot it until what hooch said... Gah.
I'm confusing Media Whore and Sinful... Sinful is the one that starts out crazy bass and stuff right? That sounds like your typical BAM and Axel collaboration... But it also has Smee-like characteristics... And yet I know hooch was a part of it. That was no help. I do know hooch was definitely a part of it, but it wasn't all him.
I don't remember [MONO] either. We're all fucked. But I remembe Media Whore and I know you had a part in that. I don't know what kind of part though... Sorry.
Oh, by the way! hooch tells me you're planning on destroying Mess(iah). Good luck with that. I'm pretty excited. I love how rivalrous this is becoming!
I'm still looking for [MONO]. I'm getting the feeling it's very hooch-ish.
But yes. I'm obliterating it ^-^
(Hey guess what I found? DRINK SMAP! Hahaha X3)
I didn't forget about Heroin Blackhouse... I just didn't know that was Heroin Blackhouse...
And thank you ^^
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