Jun 25, 2007 02:14
-hooch to Gallery-
(wow its 2am and BAMs not online? is it the apocalypse?)
i kind of just feel like talking (ranting?) about my day... so i will.
pummer decided to take me shopping to buy me chick pants because hes sick of me wearing his when the bottom 6 or so inches of them drag the ground... i have short legs... hed downed at least 3 bottles of dr pepper on the way to the mall, so by the time we got there he was rushing for the bathroom and i went in to see BAM while he was peeing. and... ive decided that... everything thats wrong with the world is clearly evident when walking into gap. first thing i hear when walking in the door is some song where the guy is talking about wanting to pick up and leave his woman and their kids and that it would be "best for her". that really made me furious. i mean... that is fucked up. (any men reading this: YOU DO NOT ABANDON YOUR FAMILY. k?) so then to make it worse, i find BAM and shes on her very tiptoes, stretching and straining and making pathetic little noises and hopping up as high as she can trying to hang some hoodie... and the section shes in is completely swarmed with big tall men. wow guys. way to go. i dont care what the relationship or business standing or whatever... if a girl is having trouble with something that you (as a man!) can do for her... you fucking do it. always. ahhh. ridiculous. so i walk up and hang it for her and we say our hellos and such. the whole while shes folding this table of tank tops that is just... ravaged. and people are walking up and taking them out of her hands and just throwing the unwanted ones in these big heaps and overturning whole mounds of them... and it would not have been any trouble at all to just refold it and lay it in the right stack. you know how those tank tops were folded? in half. right down the middle. nothing fancy there! and there are all these little babies in the store and half of them are crying. i saw one baby, and he was absolutely screaming. his mom picked him up by the arms, sighed loudly and thrust him back into his stroller and bucked him in and started scolding him. i mean wtf? your baby is crying, you pick him up, hug him, talk sweet to him, and drop what youre fucking doing (yes, leave the damned store) and fix whatever is making him upset. you dont just shop around like a rude fuck with your kid annoying everyone around you. ugh. anyway. BAMs amazing. shes gonna be the greatest mom ever one day. that little kid was seriously turning blue he was screaming so hard. kicking his feet, thrashing around, just the most miserable little thing ever. the lady parks the stroller and walks over to another section (?!?!?!?) and he peeks open his little flooding eyes and looks at BAM and she just smiles at him and he stops crying and starts squirming around like a little bashful loser. it was precious ^_^ then his mom came and wheeled him away and he started bawling again... my heart hurts for little unloved babies?
and all this is happening within the timeframe of abount 5 minutes... pummer walked in... "wtf you doing? trying to pick up this hooker? shit." so he talks to BAM for a minute or two and then we leave. spend all day at the mall and i only found one pair of the chick pants that i could even stand. i actually really like them though. they have big pointy flap pockets on the butt and they make my legs look longer ^_^ (never mate with an asian. your kids will have laughable body proportions.) we left almost 1 minute before they threw us out and went out to eat. not coming from any sort of redneck background, ive never been to mudbugs. and how gross is that name? pummer was like "lets go to mudbugs." and i was like "omfg no?!!" "dude why?" "i am not eating anywhere named mudbugs." but he made me... and it was actually realllly good. like im hungry thinking about it. anyway we stayed there for a couple hours ... apparently they never ever close... then people started getting crazy and drunk so we left. wed been sitting there long enough to not be full anymore, so we went to shakes and got HUGE icecream (their shit is like so gigantic) and layed (laid?) on top of his car in their parking lot and ate it ^_^ he has a very small car?
then we went home, had some pinball challenges, watched some weird movie on tv about a lady married to some cop who was cheating on her or something... (which is also a big part of everything thats wrong with the world...) then we raced upstairs and i tripped and slid down the stairs on my face (yay carpet burn!) and pummer jumped on my back to try and surf me and then mom came out and was like "boys! do you know what ti- O_O ummm... what are you doing?" then pummer declared a very loud and suspicious "NOTHING!" and hauled me up by the underwear back to our room. aaand now hes sleeping and im restless. even when im exhausted, if my body isnt tired too, i have a lot of trouble going to sleep. go run laps around my house or something... but i shouldnt be having too much trouble with that anymore... starting friday anyway...
i have a job :o
ive told pummer so now its okay to tell everyone else. im not hardup for money or anything. i have pummer, and if that doesnt work out (meaning hes mad at me) i have my mom (who i usually pay back with pummers money anyway...) i just get so fucking bored most days. and theres nothing to do. you guys dont love me anymore. pummers the only one who even talks to me anymore and thats because WE LIVE TOGETHER. you dont get into bed with a guy you dont ever talk to...
but. guess where im working? guessguessguess! you have to guess or i wont tell ^_^ (im excited. its gonna be really fun!)