...in which the sailor is home from the sea, or something...

Feb 18, 2009 17:11

[[Filtered to Nia, hackable by Wolfwood and Mikami]]

Hey, thanks for taking over while I was gone. How did everything go? And, um, could you hold things down tomorrow too? I er picked up some kind of bug and I don't want to give it to anyone.


OW, Madame Pomfrey, that hurt! H-hey, what are you doing? NOOOO!! What if I'm allergic to Skelegro!?

[[Really, really private]]

..Why did he have to come? Why did he.... I tried to....

..come on, you stupid harebrained hero, can't you just wake up....?

*finally gives up and buries his head in his arms, ignoring Madame Pomfrey, who wants him to be in bed instead of in a chair next to Wolfwood, who is still out cold*


[[Strike hackable if you really try. If your character is in the vicinity of the Hospital Wing, they may catch a glimpse of a rather bruised-up Vash behind a curtain in one of the cots in the back, or see him later hobbling around. He'll be fine tomorrow, but you're welcome to ask what happened. He's got LOTS of stories. XD;

Edit for plot purposes: he'll actually be staying in the Wing with Wolfwood, who was injured; so any students who meet him will be seeing him later in the evening when he decides he needs stuff from his room and goes to get it.]]

time for some thrilling heroics, nia, mikami, wolfwood

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