...in which lines are drawn in the sand -- so to speak...

Nov 10, 2008 15:58


*staggers out of a snowbank, completely caked in white, and shakes himself off all over the nearest persons*

..Of course you know this means war. >D

weather, nia, tenten, awesome, mikami, wolfwood, rikku

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whosyour_rikku November 10 2008, 21:57:19 UTC
*Puts her hands on her hips and sticks her tongue out* You asked for it, Professor~


ruddystampede November 10 2008, 22:10:42 UTC
But it's cooooold! *staggers a few steps like a snow zombie*


whosyour_rikku November 10 2008, 22:12:13 UTC
*Takes a few steps backwards* What else did you expect from a snowball fight?


ruddystampede November 10 2008, 22:23:26 UTC
Oh, hey, where do you think you're going? *chases, pelting snowballs at her left and right*


whosyour_rikku November 10 2008, 22:26:55 UTC
*Whips around and starts running, calling over her shoulder* To my- secret fort!


ruddystampede November 10 2008, 22:33:55 UTC
OI, since when do you have a FORT!?


whosyour_rikku November 10 2008, 22:37:42 UTC
Since forever! *Takes a sharp turn and slides under some bushes*


ruddystampede November 10 2008, 22:39:55 UTC
..huh? *lost sight of her, reloads and looks around, trying to find her tracks in all the other footprints here*

Hey, that's not fair, you can't Apparate on school grounds! *knows full well it's impossible to Apparate or Disapparate here* Come out, come out, wherever you are.....


whosyour_rikku November 10 2008, 22:45:53 UTC
*Looks up from the bushes briefly to see where he is, then ducks back under. She quickly forms a snowball and then pops out, hurling it at his head*

((ooc: That's not Rikku punching him in the icon! That's merely her throwing a snowball...))


ruddystampede November 10 2008, 22:57:20 UTC
*is hit!!* AWK--!!

*turns, staring at the bushes.... she must be somewhere in there, right?*

*throws an experimental snowball at one section of the branches*

[[Don't worry, Vash understands! XDDDD]]


whosyour_rikku November 10 2008, 23:00:21 UTC
*As the snowball hits the bushes, it explodes all over her* Awww, lucky guess. *She falls onto her back*


ruddystampede November 10 2008, 23:31:45 UTC
Aha!! *charges in, but slips on a patch of ice and skids right into the bushes... which dump a massive amount of snow right on him*


whosyour_rikku November 10 2008, 23:37:26 UTC
*She sees him slipping into the bushes and tries to back up* Oh da- *Rolls backwards until she slams into a tree* Ouchies...


ruddystampede November 11 2008, 00:05:52 UTC
Aack! Are you all r--!? *scrambling towards her, slips and lands on his face*


whosyour_rikku November 11 2008, 00:08:15 UTC
Yah... I'm *Tries to get up but slips back down* ...good. You?


ruddystampede November 11 2008, 02:26:00 UTC
*pushes himself up, with his hair hanging down all wet from the snow*

Yeah! No problemo! If I can just -- AACK! *slips again and grabs onto a nearby tree*


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