...in which size matters not, except for how it does...

Oct 15, 2008 23:09

This place is so awesome!!! People give all the kids candy and ice cream and let us stay up late! And there's brooms to fly on and nobody calls us freaks!

I miss Rem.... and I wish Knives was here... then he'd be happy and not want to run away all the time..... but....

..I wanna stay here forever!

*guess who's eight years old and thinks the ( Read more... )

rukia, past imperfect, sanzo, mikami, foooood, walking disaster area, time for some thrilling heroics, awesome, wolfwood

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1/2 not_chapel October 18 2008, 04:54:39 UTC
*such large amounts of DO WANT and DO NOT WANT rolled into one, alsdjlaksdja*


2/2 not_chapel October 18 2008, 04:54:56 UTC


Re: 2/2 ruddystampede October 19 2008, 01:39:28 UTC
*gazes solemnly up at him with BIG GREEN EYES*

..I didn't mean it, mister! They just came down!

[[D'AWWWW, I can just see that expression!~~~~]]


not_chapel October 19 2008, 01:47:50 UTC

*kneels down* ...It's fine, kiddo...I'm more concerned about you right now anyway.

You hurt?


ruddystampede October 19 2008, 02:26:56 UTC
*shuffles* I'm okay. I'm good at getting out of trouble!

Are you okay?


not_chapel October 19 2008, 02:36:45 UTC
*ruffles the boy's hair* I can tell...

Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I?


ruddystampede October 19 2008, 02:53:47 UTC
*ruffled! but smiles anyway* Hey! I'm a big boy. I'm almost nine!

I just wanted to make sure! What's your name, mister?


not_chapel October 19 2008, 03:56:07 UTC
My, that is a big boy. *still ruffling hair, lets hand drop with a chuckle* You're getting up there, few years shy of a teenager.

*smiles at* Well thank you, I'm Wolfwood. And your name, kiddo?


ruddystampede October 19 2008, 04:01:20 UTC
I'm Vash! *big trusting smile~~~~*

Um..... um.... *digs toe into ground* ..What state are we in? Did the camp move again?


not_chapel October 19 2008, 04:07:46 UTC
*smiles back, face softening very much* It's nice to meet you, Vash. *more hair ruffle*

State? Afraid you're a long way away from the states. You're in Scotland, kiddo.

But it's fine, I'll stay with you until the camp swings by and picks you up.


ruddystampede October 19 2008, 04:13:05 UTC
You're a nice guy, Mr. Wolfwood! *tremendously reassured by the smile*

*..alarmed* But... I, I have to go back! Rem will be worried! I didn't mean to run away!

Y-you will? *lip wobbles, draws a little closer to Wolfwood without really being aware of it* Are you Rem's friend? She said there was someone she missed.....


not_chapel October 19 2008, 05:29:28 UTC
*smiles at that* Thanks...do onto others as you would do onto yourself, hm? Remember those words. *affectionate head scratch*

It's okay, it's okay! Mild mix up, Miss Rem will be here to keep you up in no time.

I sure will, don't worry about that. *hand on his tiny shoulder* Well...not really a friend, but she trusted me to you. Told me to take care of you while she did some business, said not to worry and that she was sorry about leaving without notice and that she'll be back in no time.


ruddystampede October 19 2008, 06:44:13 UTC
That's really true! Rem always said that too. *leans into the headscratch like a puppy*

Okay... as long as everything's all right!

Really? *impressed -- anyone Rem liked that much is a good guy... gives him a grateful smile* She must've been in a real hurry, but it's okay. I understand! M-maybe she took Knives with her... I'm glad she did that. He'll look after her. *trying to be brave, but really feeling very lonely*


not_chapel October 24 2008, 00:10:19 UTC
Did she? Smart woman her. *smiles, wrrry so adorable~ Why can't you always stay like this!*

Everything's fine, I promise.

Yeah, she took your brother with her, wanted some quality time with him while having you interact with new people. *kneels down* I'm just the first on a long list.


ruddystampede October 24 2008, 00:18:08 UTC
*cos little boys grow up? but apparently only up to a point....*


..That's good. I think sometimes... he wants her to listen, but he pretends not to....

*wide eyes* A long list? Really?


not_chapel October 24 2008, 00:30:01 UTC
*:/ I want you to always stay like this*

Yeah, I can understand that. Some boys...they just fight accepting and learning...but it all comes through in the end.

Why wouldn't anyone want to be your friend?


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