...in which a smile goes round the world...

Jul 31, 2008 04:14

*all cheerful again* Heyyyyy, person-I-talked-to-the-other-day, did you get that donut I sent? You're not starving anymore, right? ^___^ Sorry I'm not writing your name, but I didn't know if you want me appearing right next to you!

This journal thing is awesome! Except for the part about the rubber factory... eeeeew.... NO, NO, I WAS IN OKLAHOMA.... Do you guys get to travel like this all the time? It's gotta make going to boarding school a lot easier!

[[Filtered to Nia]]

Hey.... thanks for the tea that night. It... it was really good.


[[First paragraph is directed to Usagi; she may have received a paper-wrapped sugar-glazed donut by now. ^^]]

travel, nia, past imperfect, usagi, foooood

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