...in which plans are planned and eyes are rolled...

Jun 24, 2010 01:30

HEYYYYY, PHYSIS! I'm gonna do something RIDICULOUS!

..as soon as I figure out what.~ Wanna come over and help me come up with ideas?


..Okay, everything's packed. Maaan, I have a lot of stuff now! It's not like the old days, when everything would fit in one Everlasting Bag of Holding! What'd pilgrims like me ever do without magic?

*plucks a parchment note off his desk; reads it with a solemn expression, then crumples it and tosses it backwards, where it sails out the window*

It really looks empty in here now.

Remember... every ending is the start of a new beginning.


physis, time for some thrilling heroics, awesome

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