...all them new-fangled toys...

Jun 22, 2008 19:00

[[Filtered to staff]]

Somebody help me.

Where do textbooks come from again...?


I think I've got the hang of all these settings at last! There's just one very, very important question.

Will this journal get me free donuts?

katara, books, leon, staff, foooood, vala, piper, agito and akito

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spacethief_vala June 23 2008, 01:56:46 UTC
You know, I never quite figured out where to get textbooks either. So I just didn't assign any!


ruddystampede June 23 2008, 02:26:28 UTC
R-really? Wow, I wish they'd done that when I was in school....

Are you.... an angel one of my fellow teachers?~


spacethief_vala June 23 2008, 04:35:13 UTC
Ugh, there is just so much work involved with being a teacher here, might as well cut out things that only complicate it further.

Why yes I am. I'm Vala. Vala Mal Doran. I teach Ancient History. And you are?


ruddystampede June 23 2008, 04:59:03 UTC
*whiiiiiines* Aw, is there really that much work involved? In any case, I like the way you think!

AH I KNEW IT I'm the new Divinations teacher -- *realizes he doesn't exactly have an alias* -- erm, Valentinez Alkalanella Zihag-shushi la Boheretz, but you can call me Vash!

[[YES BUT IT'S A TOTALLY MANLY WHINE. XDDDD And that isn't even his whole full name... at least, to hear him tell it.]]


spacethief_vala June 23 2008, 05:38:21 UTC
I suppose there is a fair amount of work...but it is quite entertaining around here. Plus, all the free food you can eat!

My, that is quite a mouthful. I think I will stick with calling you Vash.

Divinations you say? Are you a Seer then?


ruddystampede June 23 2008, 06:27:42 UTC
*eyes pop out* FREE FOOD YOU SAY. Ahahahaha, I like it!

OH GOOD! WONDERFUL! And I'll call you Vala, then! That's such a nice name.

Nope! But the truth is, not everyone can see the future, but everyone can change it. That's also a part of Divintation!


spacethief_vala June 23 2008, 06:54:47 UTC
Yes!! And you can get it at anytime too. You just go down to the kitchens and the house elves will fix you anything you want!

Why thank you, although, I think I like Vash better. Very unique.

*slightly taken aback by his comment* I...I never thought of it that way actually. Makes sense enough though.


ruddystampede June 23 2008, 07:37:14 UTC

Sometimes too unique.... Well, it works for me!

When you come right down to it, there's always something you can do to change your situation. ^___^


spacethief_vala June 23 2008, 07:52:02 UTC
Well it's your school now too! *all the food talk has made her hungry and makes a mental note to wander down to the kitchens later*

That's a good way to look at things. I should probably try and remember that for future reference.


ruddystampede June 24 2008, 00:51:33 UTC
Yeah! *feels pretty good about that*

It's a great philosophy to use in life!

[[Vash the philosopher. XD!!]]


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