...all them new-fangled toys...

Jun 22, 2008 19:00

[[Filtered to staff]]

Somebody help me.

Where do textbooks come from again...?


I think I've got the hang of all these settings at last! There's just one very, very important question.

Will this journal get me free donuts?

katara, books, leon, staff, foooood, vala, piper, agito and akito

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charmed_my_ass June 22 2008, 23:18:00 UTC
I could make you doughnuts when I get back to school.


ruddystampede June 22 2008, 23:43:55 UTC
You can make donuts?!? Be still, my heart! *&spaz*

Are you one of my new students? Plzplzplz


charmed_my_ass June 22 2008, 23:52:21 UTC
Haha yes I can make them, they aren't too hard. I love to cook!

What are you teaching again?


ruddystampede June 23 2008, 00:02:08 UTC
If you make me donuts, I will be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL. *chuckles* You know what's funny? In all these years, I never really learned to cook. There just seemed to be so much else to do!

Divination! I wanted Herbology, but Dumbledore insisted. I still don't know why.....


charmed_my_ass June 23 2008, 00:11:19 UTC
I could teach you! You could learn to make your OWN doughnuts! ...that might not be a good thing...

Ooo, yes, I plan to take that next year!


ruddystampede June 23 2008, 02:28:45 UTC
But if I made my OWN doughn doen donuts, I could share them with everybody and give them out in class....

YAAAAY! You're one of my students, then!


charmed_my_ass June 23 2008, 06:54:50 UTC
And then everyone could have doughnuts...though now that I think about it all you have to do is tell the houselves to give you some and they will...but mine are better!



ruddystampede June 23 2008, 07:17:44 UTC
That's what I was thinking, but someone just told me they couldn't do pizza. So what we'll have to do is, I'll bring a lot of donuts from the outside world, and you'll make some, and we'll test them and see if we can get them to learn how!

What's your name, by the way?


charmed_my_ass June 23 2008, 07:18:54 UTC
I can make pizza! Pizza is easy!

I'm Piper. Piper Halliwell. I'll be a 7th year Hufflepuff next year.


ruddystampede June 23 2008, 07:31:41 UTC
Wow, you're smart! That's amazing!

This is so incredible... my entire seventh-year class is made up of gorgeous girls. Have I died and gone to heaven? Nice to meet you, the pleasure is all mine! :D

[[This is just his natural reaction to all girls. He's not going to be creepy or anything. ^__^]]


charmed_my_ass June 23 2008, 07:34:27 UTC
Hee, I just know cooking, that's all. I can make most things and if I can't make it yet I'll figure it out!!

((Oh I know. I <3 trigun so so so so so so so(x50) much! BARK LIKE A DOG!!! o.o))


ruddystampede June 24 2008, 00:15:23 UTC
Heh, that's a real talent! I've got a friend who's good at that too but he won't make fresh donuts for me, the rat.

[[THAT SCENE WAS SO ASLSDKJGKD .."He saved our lives, but he's embarrassing to watch!" @_@]]


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