Why didn't anybody TELL me exams start next week!? I'm totally not prepared! THIS IS AWFUL!!!
[[Filtered to Divination students]]
All right, everyone, I know you've all been really busy lately, so the exam for this class is going to be Thursday or Friday during the first week of June. We're also going to spend all next week reviewing! Just study a lot and stay sensitive to the vibrations of the universe and you'll do fine!
And hey, I should probably assign you some homework or something too... this week, all I want you to do is make an outline of everything you've studied this year. You can fill it in next week during your review. It's not hard, so turn it in by Friday, okay? You can work on it during class too, so don't leave anything out!
At least everyone's magic was back. It wasn't fun pretending I sprained my arm for two days! It still feels a little stiff, but at least I can use it.
[[Homework is due Friday, and students will get 5 to 10 points depending on how complete their outline is (one vague page = 5, several detailed pages = 10). Subjects for each year are listed in the
class list page. Just write a brief note saying how your character did. ^__^
Fifth and seventh years will be having REALLY HARD reviews next week (by Vash's definition of really hard, which is actually pretty easy), to prepare for the standardized OWL and NEWT exams.
..Oh, and the strikes are somewhat hackable to staff. \o/]]