May 25, 2003 12:53
It's been awhile since I've posted, I know..but I'm even sure if anyone even still has me on their list, so..just going to throw in my 2 cents of how the world is so far, in my prespective.
Well, just to start out at the top of my head, my love life seems to be decreasing to nothing, because I'm still a 'virgin'. Inexperience will bite you someday, trust me..I had a good time, yeah..but I didn't make the mistake of loosing my virginity just yet. Surprisingly enough, we just talked and a few other things. But honestly, I doubt the realationship will last, mainly due to the fact that she only wants one thing from me I think. I suppose I'm just another "Gilmer Guy". Wrong! I have a brain, somewhere. So I'm welcoming myself back in the single world soon.
As for my writings, one word; "None". I don't write anymore..I just don't have that 'perk' or want to write. I'm going to try and write today though, just to express myself. What else is poetry for?
Tara is so cute :P, and she says she may be leaving within the week..for good. Gah, that would just destroy 80% of my net use. I mean really...I only chat on this damn thing, and she knows alot about me. Who else am I going to talk to!? Gah! But if ya do leave hon, I'll miss ya. I got your # still, so I'll keep in touch.
Haven't talked to Heather much..she seems to have her own world to tend to. That's respectable. I'm not online that much anyway, so it's more my fault. Kisses for Heather :p
Just recently started talking to Amanda(fuck, barely can remember her name anymore..Quiavqa?), she's alot better person after a few events, and fun to talk to. Glad we're friends :) *Hugs* Cya online sometime..
Russell, him too I started talking to. He's still as strange as anyone else I know, but still smarter too. He impresses me in every way their is, I swear to god. He discourages my roleplaying everytime I watch him -.-, no wonder I rarely do it.
Don't talk to Steph much..but I hope she's having a good time OL and R/L. So just saying Hello, Stephy. :)
Amber, gah.. I miss her everytime I talk to her, phone or net.(more net, though.) She has this thing about her I guess. Ya know how a dog likes to sniff butts? Well...that has nothing to do with anything I'm talking about, but ya know >.<. Love ya wierd little girl you.
Sammi just gets wierder, don't know how, but she does. She's just the person to talk to when I'm having a bad day or need some info on ..yeah, sex -.-(shuddap). That's between me and you sam sam, right?*Glares* Don't talk to her if you're real pissed..sometimes she won't help the problem :P xxoxx Sammi
Steci. Wow, what a roleplayer.. what Allen Iverson does with a basketball is what she does with words; Poetically. I'd call AI 'Poetry in Motion', but that phrase is so cliche. But anyway, K-chan is the funnest to roleplay with..she really sets the mood and can keep a rp going forever. Out of the rping world, she's great to just talk to, and oh so cute. Never seen her in a bad mood before..wonder if she's hiding that..hmmm...
Matt, the counterpart of Steci. His rping skills are equivalent to hers in fun-factor and creativity. He puts words together that I've never even -heard- of. (If you count Russell, he reigns surpreme :P) Keep it up, Matt.
I think that's about it, except for Jenn...I miss her too, alot. She was always a mystery to me, and I felt so bad for her sometimes, and I always wanted to be there for her when she wanted to talk..we drifted, eventually..and now I'm trying to find her. :(
If anyone is interested in my posts, just leave a message and that will surely encourage me to update more often.*grins* Cya all later.
17 years and going