hellllllllooooo (danzigdanzigdanzig)

Sep 26, 2004 11:17

why hello everyone,
(hubert cumberdale?)
i just felt like announcing my newest albums.
in the last four days i bought

Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
Tom Waits - Franks Wild Years        (purposely no apostrophe)
Danzig - Circle of Snakes
Danzig - 777: I Luciferi
and I helped <3 Lauren <3 acquire
Everclear - Song from an American Movie Pt. 2         (well, 10 days ago)
Everclear - Sparkle and Fade
Everclear - World of Noise

So, we're stocked :)

EDIT( I just got Danzig 5 and Danzig I)
But, this brings me to mention

if anyone's seen the albums: Danzig (self titled), Danzig - II: Lucifuge (i need to grab the booklet), Danzig - 5: Blackacidevil (just picked them up :D), or Danzig - 6:66: Satan's Child... could they please let me know?  I'm trying for second hand, but any knowledge would help.
i have the two live albums, i had the first (i have the cd in 4 pieces), i have the second without the leaflet, i've always meant to pick up 5 and 6...  since i have the 7th and 8th, and the compositions, i need to complete the collection of my favourite artist (nevermore and atom&hispackage are going on hold)...  as, i'm starting to save for my danzig tattoos.

here are not-so-perfect representations of the two of them.
the old one:

the newer one(only used for two albums):

i figure it's a safe bet to choose symbols denoting a musician who's been my favourite for 8 years running.

oh yeah, and now i have 4 waits cds and a record.
did i mention i love owning albums?  :D


ps, liek, omigosh, starwars battlefront is sooooo good.
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