Part 2 of my birthday weekend celebration...COMPLETE!

Mar 05, 2005 23:44

today started off kinda boring..hadda go to...a with not such great results from the previous week...n then dermatologist...which is never fun lol i spent like 10 min talkin to my doc. about my france trip..and how hes from belgium "were like neighbors!" and then listenin to him speak in french..and then tell me i should go to barcelona spain on my freetime lol...then i finally went for my massage that jess got me LAST YEAR for a bday it was awesome lemme tell ya!..then jess n stef picked me up we went to the mall where i got my cartlidge peirced..his name is concierge..."connie" for short..dont u forget it!....then we went to applebees for dinner where we hadda "hot" young waitor named james,....who stef n i said jess should ask to prom hahah even tho hes def like...21 atleast lol they told him it was my bday while i was at the BTW they told me "go to the bathroom" n everytime i came bak..i hadda go bak cas they didnt talk to the waitor i was in there for a gfood 15 min id finally the dude braught out the "dessert" and we all ate it..and then we went to c the aviator...GREAT MOVIE...however..not my type of movie lol so i was pretty much bored...nnnn on top of that lol IM STILL SICK AS A DOG! AND IM FLIPPIN TIRED...soo i was about to zone out lol n i fell asleep in the car on the way home..good thing jess was drivin newho im off to bed...nite all! THANKS FOR THE LOVELY EVENING STEPHY N HESSIPOO! xoxoxox
-E if i didnt eat enough shit today..i think ill go have a ginormous piece of the yummy cake brit made me last nite lol
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