Nov 12, 2007 13:05
so i almost fell apart yesterday.
its hard bc i want to be there for him, but he wont talk to me, and he doesnt want to see me, and im worried for him. and im really worried for his grandmom, but i dont know how shes doing either. and i couldnt sleep, i couldnt stop worrying, im all stressed out bc i have so much going on and no time to do anything, i feel like i dont have anyone to talk to about it bc everyone is so busy, and the tears are just coming and coming. then i remembered that i saw nicole at mass, so she is home for the weekend. i asked her if she would come over bc i needed someone to talk to, so she was at my house in 2 min. i spent 2 hrs telling her EVERYTHING. she had the best advice for me, she explained possible reasons for richie not wanting to see me, and she really listened. i felt SO much better after i talked to her. and its so weird to me, bc i just got done praying at mass asking God for help, and thats when nicole walked in, and i wouldnt have known she was home from school if i didnt see her at mass. sooo weird.