Jul 08, 2006 15:33
I figured I should make my LJ pretty, so here we are. Wolves are teh awesomeness.
So much for daily updates, eh? My wordcount has doubled since that last post. I'm at 52,560, and plan on writing more today, perhaps once I start and finish Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I'm rereading the series for research for a fanfic that one of my MC's is doing.
My entries are never interesting, and for that I apologize. I'm leaving for Kentucky on Tuesday, so there probably won't be anything around that time. I'm going to miss being around the JulNo chatroom and such.
I'm itching for the new Josh Groban CD. I can't believe there hasn't been anything released yet, since the official release date is in September. It looks like it's going to be awesome, though, and I'm sure it will give me much inspiration. :)
And Wheel of Time 12, and Harry Potter 7 . . .