"Субботнее сафари"

Sep 05, 2014 09:46

Лаура Оттина (Laura Ottina ) из Флоренции, Италия, сделала подборку иллюстраций со львами. Называется "Субботнее сафари в мирном королевстве".
Под каждой иллюстрацией стоит имя художника, в большинстве случаев ссылки активны.

Источник - http://theanimalarium.blogspot.ru/2009/12/sunday-safari-in-peaceable-kingdom.html

Lion and fish illustration by Irina Troitskaya

Illustration by Toshiyuki Fukuda

Stuffed lions from Takiyaje, aka Lubov Nalogina

Illustration by Tatsushi Hara, thanks to Stickers and Stuff

Movie poster by Jaroslav Zelenka, 1955, from Terry Posters

Afrika lion by Lisa Larson at Gustavsberg studio, 1968,
from hi+lomodern

Spacer Iwa, book cover by Miroslaw Tokarczyk, 1973

thanks to tralaloskop's precious archives, and to Kickcan and Conkers for the tip

The Happy Lion by Roger Duvoisin

Illustration from Brian Wildsmith's ABC, 1962,

from hunkamunka's Vintage Children's Books set on flickr

Leones by Violeta Lópiz

Anonimous Czech movie poster, 1970, from Terry Posters

Poster from the Save series by Kazumasa Nagai, 2001

and finally, from Un lion à Paris by Beatrice Alemagna, the illustration that inspired this post,

together with the beautiful article about this and other meek lions in Le figure dei libri.


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