Apr 07, 2011 19:28
Reading Ruchoma Shain's book on teaching. Her book has finally been translated into French! I love it, and though I have only read 70 pages, I already understood my main mistake (love instead of education, mothering instead of teaching). Though I don't think I could ever use some of her educative methods... I'm conservative, but not THAT conservative!
When someone does teshuva, some "well meaning" people will exclaim: "wow?? how come?? I know his father/grandfather, they are sooo not frum!!". REAL well meaning people will answer: "of course, and the 30 generations before were!". It's all a matter of perspective.
The Dutch want to ban kosher meat, San Francisco wants to ban circumcision, many countries require shabbat work, some Jobs require no kippot, the UN says no building Succot in the west bank, and the kotel, Abraham's tomb, and Rachel's tomb are called Moslem mosques. Are we truly returning to the middle ages??
12,000 Jews were being killed each day in Auschwitz, and even the "allies" were stopping Jews from entering, often sending them back to nazi europe. We have but one TRUE ally...
Chaque goutte de pluie tombant sur terre est accompagnée par un messager du Ciel. J'aimerais bien attraper une goutte avec son ange! -Pour atteindre les étoiles, Rouhoma Shain
people suck,