Mar 25, 2011 18:43
-An interesting theory: "what caused the Churban was that there were kannoim (zealots) who tried to get everyone else to adhere to their chumros (stringencies) although they (everyone) were not on the madrega (spiritual level) to do so."
-A need for a Chumra is not when people are on a madrega but when people are not on the madrega to keep the Torah Law.
Rabbi Pinchas Koritzer stated, "The acronym for Shobbos is: Shtreimel Bimkom Tefillin -- the shtreimel takes the place of tefillin." Since wearing special clothing on Shabbat is a form of santification, among the Hasidim of Galicia and Hungary, the shtreimel is associated with the Holiness of Shabbat.
If a couple is fighting they should read the text of their ketubah aloud to remind each other of their wedding day and the love and good wishes that surrounded them.
-Baal Shem Tov
NEWS FLASH: Family in Tampa, Florida massacred in their sleep. Bomb hits bus #74 outside D.C. Convention Center injuring dozens and killing at least one. 50 rockets and missiles have fallen in Fairfax, Virginia over the last 24 hours. Outrage... oh, wait, wrong country. No outrage. The world is silent.
shalom bayis,
don't be a chossid shoteh,