From Twitter 01-12-2011

Jan 13, 2011 02:02

  • 18:43:08: Changed her FB profile for the new!
  • 18:44:11: My husband is a tzadik. ♥
  • 18:45:11: Hebrew: shadhanit - Yiddish: shadchente - Ladino/judeo spanish: casamentera - judeo arabic ???
  • 18:45:35: my ♥ is spoiling me!!
  • 18:46:04: TEHILIM Masha Aaron bat Bluma Batya For a friend's mother (name is correct!)
  • 18:46:16: chassidim celebrating the new year! LOL
  • 18:46:33: students are horrible, they make you do spelling mistakes!
  • 18:46:57: "Edamame is like candy but tchulent tasting!" Mati
  • 18:47:19: "Maman told me not to run with scissors" Mati
  • 18:47:46: Out of 13 baby hairless rats, only 4 have survived now, but all BH very active!
  • 18:52:25: I learned that my cousin Beatrice Frances (Bertha bat Shmuel) left this world at 91...
  • 18:52:45: leek patties, one of the masterchiefs of sefardi cuisine!
  • 18:53:07: Mati wants to "break eggs", but we aren't going to need any lol
  • 18:53:39: Mati calls Bernard & Bianca "Perla & Blanca", Ladino all the way!!
  • 18:53:50: Got her first check for a month of work!
  • 18:54:42: You can't change the world on your own, but you can contribute. Work on a little something that bothers you!
  • 18:55:04: Home made lasagna... thanks my luv!!

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raisin di rebetsin, hypocrisy, twitter, mazel tov!, food, sephardim, shidduchim, hebrew, quote, facebook, some people still care, family, chassidim, working, husbandd, ladino, tehilim, teaching, mati, judeo-arabic, yiddish

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