From Twitter 01-03-2011

Jan 04, 2011 02:03

  • 00:33:36: Nice, patient, compassionate, sympathizing doctors... do they still exist, or did selection on maths exams kill the real spirit?
  • 00:33:57: This month of December is the coldest since 1933...
  • 00:36:31: Once upon a time I read a book a week... my great grandmother read a book a day or almost... yeridas hadoros!!
  • 00:36:39: It's official, Mati mixes up the Baal Shem Tov and the Rambam. But at 3 and half, we can't say anything, right? lol
  • 00:37:38: ‎5 years ago we were coming back from our engagement trip... time flies! enjoy life without losing sight of what really matters!
  • 00:37:57: hodu lHashem ki tov!!!!
    Mati's going back to cheder tomorrow!
  • 00:42:12: "shiko iz o, trinko miz o, az er iz a go!"
  • 13:56:49: I misplaced my Rebbe Nachman card segula, urgh
  • 15:01:35: Welcome Zelda (the black skinny) and her sister Morenica (the black hairy skinny-carrier)!
  • 17:24:34: found a Kaduri segula card

Tweets copied by

zelda, segula, cheder, raisin di rebetsin, family, book, once upon a time, doctor, morenica, weather, mati is a brainiac, guinea pigs, mati, yiddish, people are unprofessional

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