From Twitter 11-04-2010

Nov 05, 2010 02:03

  • 16:40:50: Non working escalator + stilettos = love (not)
  • 16:41:54: My cleaning lady's other employer has decided to fire her because she doesn't clean well. Weird, I think she's doing more than needed!
  • 16:52:54: Wanted to send something to a far out tiny Russian Jewish school, they never recontacted me!
  • 17:08:06: roger & corradino may have found a home!
  • 18:18:06: More people have access to cell phones than to drinkable water!!
  • 18:18:37: A school contacted me! yay
  • 19:28:14: not one phone working correctly!!
  • 19:29:34: Eugénie Blanchard is deceased! check wiki! (interesting that in her times people went by their last given name and not first given name!)
  • 19:33:09: Seems like so many guys who divorce make alia with their sons... poor moms :(
  • 20:12:57: Teaching a mixed 1st and 2nd grade class, challenge!!
  • 20:47:11: "Your husband is good looking", Papa

Tweets copied by

craziness, don't be a chossid shoteh, twitter, roger, work, food, russianjews, judaism, naming, husband, quote, family, people overdo it, phone, life is unfair, teaching, alia, shoes, corradino, cleaning lady, school, divorce, france

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