Mul Hayam, a Review

Aug 29, 2010 17:19

 This is a review of the restaurant Mul Hayam, in Hong Kong.

First, it is very hard to find. Really. Once you have found, well, the escalators just stop working if it's "late" (10 pm-ish). Be warned.
The restaurant is on the second floor, just near the Syrian synagogue. It is definitely beautiful.

The service is catastrophic. They are overwhelmed even when 2/3 empty. Despite the thousands of classy, discrete and efficient Asian waiters looking for a job, they managed to hire the only Asian people who will serve you Israeli style. Slow, disorganized, unclassy as heck, random stuff missing in the plates, you get it. And this is supposed to be the classiest HK restaurant!

Finding kosher food this far from big Jewish communities is difficult, and but while this is no reason to not open a kosher restaurant, what a weird and stupid idea to make it glatt! Sure, that way it can catter to more people, but if you only have 1 out of 5 dishes and no good-quality parts but only the ones with more fat than meat... not worth getting elitist. It's also not like most of the HK community or visitors are charedi enough to neeeeeeeed glatt.

Keeping all that in mind, it is a shame this restaurant is just as expensive as, say, Yayin from Paris (though it also shouldn't have switched to glatt, quality and variety wise). A friggin shame.

shul, kashrus, oy that's bad, food, restaurants, hong kong, out of town life, people are unprofessional

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