Mixed feelings about moving

Aug 01, 2010 12:52

So my husband went and checked what I wanted, and way more! Yay husband! :)

From home to the small eruv, it took 35 mins. Which means for me closer to one hour ;)
And then from small to big eruv, just 5 other mins.

From his kollel to the big eruv, 6 mins. From the big eruv to the other shul, 8 mins.

In the small eruv, he saw two religious teens hanging out, and two old charedi people eating on the balcony. No family nothing.

In the big eruv, he saw two frum families (one like us or more strict, one European style modern) making their kids play at the playground.  Also a religious Muslim family (veiled mother).

But he said despite this eruv business, our area is definitely the "heart" (one may wonder why the eruvin are 'further' away) and the playgrounds here are dark with kippas and sheitels ;). And DEFINITELY luxurious compared to the eruv areas... but again, more than 1100 square feet for barely more expensive than here??

So, should we, should we not?... and why are people not taking full advantage of their eruv?? maybe they are like me, too lazy to go out...

community, eruv, neighbourhood, moving, my eruvin, judaism, big eruv, shabbes, small eruv, husband

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