twitter of the day

Jun 21, 2010 23:45

  • 17:18 Cannot get over the fact that the students are so bad that the director felt bad about sending me to teach them... #
  • 17:19 Avoteinu may want my thesis Avoteinu may want my thesis Avoteinu may want my thesis Avoteinu may want my thesis Avoteinu may want my thesis #
  • 20:58 Mom still didn't get her firing letter so she'll be paid this month too LOL #
  • 22:27 when my rats fight on me, i'm the one getting bitten #
  • 22:31 i dont have authority on my rats and im supposed to dominate mati??? lol #
  • 23:34 rat tried to latch.... OUCH ! #
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craziness, thesis, family, twitter, ozarhatorah, chinuch, work, rats, mati, publishing, job

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