Why I hate "Jewish lit"

Apr 14, 2010 18:15

While putting some order (YES) into the books I am selling, I found an interesting one, "La Carrière: Les juifs du pape" (The Carrière - South French "ghetto" - : the Papal Jews). Google Comtat Venaissin and Jews.

Anyway, it's shmutz. Deals with the "very hot" wife of a frummy, boring community leader of the Carrière, who decides she prefers sex with Guillaume de Nogaret. Feel free to google, he's not that type. In the end she agrees to go back to her poor husband if they convert to Catholicism, a religion of "love and freedom" (especially at the time, heh!).

I thought the author was antisemitic, but no, it's just his fantasy. "Mr X (a Carrière Jew himself), showing his tall figure all around the world, wrote books about what he thought should happen", to quote the foreword indirectly. Oh yeah. There is even a(n even more) shmutzy version of the story, "The Papal Jewess". Blah.

amazon, judaism, book, judeo-french, comtat venaissin, marekhalterandco

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