Mar 08, 2010 18:38
After shabbes, we went to visit the friend of my husband that he had called. We planned to stay half an hour but husband stayed there THREE HOURS!!! It was so so nice to meet this family. The husband is a full time kollelman in an elite charedi kollel and the wife is a Polish girl like me! It was just crazy how many common references and points there were between the husband and mine, and between the wife and me, from common jokes to common tv references (we grew up European, remember, clean tv is normal for us). Husband and his friend let's all him M. had so much to say, from juicy news on"the cursed city", as they call their hometown, because so many charedi kids from there went crazy (intermarried, escort girl, gay and militant, etc!) - who said yentas are women! to personal memories.
I laughed a lot hearing the stories my husband told me from M's point of view. It also made me appreciate my dad isn't as war traumatized as husband's was...
M is pushing strong for us to make alia and husband to go to his kollel. They knew about all the schools and communities people had told me "I would fit in", and they agreed with some suggestions and not some others (with proof, which is always good!). All the yeshivish type schools I had been told about are in fact "not for us", and they advise either a strong chardal school and keeping our own hashkafa strong at home (about no hallel and shirut leumi etc), or a light charedi school (and adapt to their external rules), or one yeshivishe school in a very French area, with the caveat that if we want our kid to learn the Ashkenazi rite it may not be the best place, although there are ashkenazi kids. Argh.
Maybe indeed it's easier to decide to fit in even with stuff we don't get than to be in a school for "non adaptated kids". Will also look into this yeshivish French school. Not that I think we'll make alia soon, if only because my parents can't really follow and life is so so so hard in Israel and it has been two rabbis now telling us not to make the move (one straight, one hinted). But one day, if need be...
Going home, husband started to get the hugest head ache and almost threw up. He could barely drive! By the time we were at the hotel I also had the hugest migraine minus the nauseas, so I had to shlep the bags and put the kid to bed. Horrible. I think the food in Israel is so full of glutamate that even husband is sensitive to it (even the so called no MSG ones), also the hotel is very non aerated which gives me terrible morning migraines to boot. Maybe also Jlem is too high for us. I don't know. Katmandu wasn't so hard and it's almost twice higher!
dati leumi,