First day in Israel

Feb 25, 2010 23:51

All bad.

Woke up with a migraine that turned into a diarrhoea that turned into stomach pains. Mati was unbearable all morning (we are weaning her from the pacifier). I ended up giving up while already at the airport after all the controls. Guess what, the pharmacy was outside. Meaning I had to have the police let me out, they fought about who would have to go with me, in the end no one did, and I shleped with Mati to get a stupid paci. Then I had to go through the controls again including physical. Urgh.

Only fun points : Mati said « food and make up are a real kif » and doesn’t stop complimenting me. I told jokingly to David that he chose me annoying and she said « I chose you beautiful ». Aw ! I also learned some old women request a man for the physical ! lol ! Now I know what to do if husband isn’t nice ;)

Unfortunately the rest of the day was even nastier. First, Mati threw up and pished on herself in the plane. Oy. She had to go tights less (she was very upset) and even panty less ! Second, husband was fasting and no real help there. I yelled during the whole flight for him to hold his side of the barf bag and to quit making it fall on me. BH for my custom of women not fasting though.

The plane itself was nightmarish. Noisy and restless neighbours, stereotypes of chassidim, Camelia Jordana wannabes, noisy pushy Israeli women, Ritalin worthy terrible boy yelling and spitting at his Gameboy (his own parents went to sit somewhere else, leaving him to terrorize the whole area)…

While holding the bag I suddenly felt my head hitting something soft and flabby. It was the « generous » breasts and stomach of a typical yiddishe mama, who thought she had a right to come here, stare and COMMENT !

On 300ish passengers, only 15 fasted. All guys. Lite modern to long coat long payes chassid. The ladies all ate, including the chassidishe ladies who enjoyed their glatt meat. It was impressive how American and French chassidim dressed similar, but not. Same style and items, but shabby on the French and luxury on the Americans, who were even in business class. No need to ask why in France few people « hate the chassidim » like in America ! It was shocking.

Husband happily davened in minyan twice (not tired for that, heh ?).

We arrived in Iceland ooops sorry it’s Israel but it doesn’t look so with the rain and the wind and the cold. You’ll excuse me while I regret Parisian weather. My sheitel and bare legs and opened shoes were dripping. Oh hell yeah, Purim under the rain. I can do that in France, you know ?

Lev yerushalaim hotel is decent. At least it’s big, with have two rooms and a huge living room. Internet we bought, and guess what, not working for the moment.

Wait, it’s getting better. Once years ago my husband was in Prague  he met a skinhead/neo Nazi group and they made a Hitlerian heil. Never happened in so called antisemitic France. Wake up  call for you Israelis ! It happened to him again in Eretz, Yerushalaim Ir ha Kodesh. Say again, we need to make alia for… our security ? Between terrorists, crazy neighbours and now, THAT ? I will bring this up every time I see my country attacked by ignorants.

Good night people, wish me a better development !!

craziness, chassidim, health, antisemitism, lies, weather, israel, alia, judaism, europe, mati, husband, france, america, quote

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