Loudtwitter died on me??

Jan 12, 2010 20:01

 Loudtwitter died or what? Tons of tweets were missed:

we don't have diapers so I guess Mati will be night toilet trained soon LOL
7:05 PM Jan 10th from web
urghhhhhhhh I'm plateauing!!!! and it started... when I started alli!
7:02 PM Jan 10th from web
Husband closed ALL my windows. Go find them now... i'm discouraged.
7:52 PM Jan 9th from web
Read and Cry is not just a Puritan name ;) http://tinyurl.com/ydhhuuq
6:57 PM Jan 9th from web
we have 8 additions to the family, 9 if you count the water snail! ;)
4:40 PM Jan 8th from web
Mati has a best friend, she's called Orna, and a love hate relationship with one Shanael! LOL!
4:12 PM Jan 8th from web
I only remember one word in hindi, the word for "pig"... LOL
4:11 PM Jan 8th from web
why are all yiddish activities on shabbes/in treif restaurants? :(
4:09 PM Jan 8th from web
my sweet potato is all weird, i hope it didn't freeze
6:27 PM Jan 7th from web
People shouldn't be allowed to say/write ratuna for hatuna, rarel for Rahel, raya for Haya, etc...
1:39 PM Jan 7th from web
Missed her employment appointment because he didn't remind me, yay
1:28 PM Jan 7th from web
David drove Mati to gan in 20 cms of snow then went to kollel... shkoyech
9:26 AM Jan 7th from web
"if you have a gift, use it to make yourself happy first. then use it to make others happy."
9:24 AM Jan 7th from web
don't take a sad look and say soon a ben zachor when i tell you i have a daughter, you twit
8:41 PM Jan 6th from web
a drawing contest doesn't make a child and women unfriendly shul friendly, just hypocritical
8:32 PM Jan 6th from web
organizing a drawing contest for 3 to 12 (how will they judge) is the stupidest idea ever
8:27 PM Jan 6th from web
I thought of a book yesterday, read some, and wondered when i would receive the sequel... i did today!
7:32 PM Jan 6th from web
"you're in pain maman? it's not a big deal, take a med/put cream" LOL
2:49 PM Jan 6th from web
we bought two AQUARIUMS! and new india pics are up on FACEBOOK!
2:33 PM Jan 6th from web
2:32 PM Jan 6th from web
bath tub water stopped sending hot water days ago, how annoying!
11:20 AM Jan 6th from web

articles, craziness, shul, hypocrisy, kashrus, health, twitter, work, judaism, kollel, shabbes, hebrew, husband, quote, facebook, toilettraining, women, orna, link, honeymoon, plants, alli, fish, names, mati, gan, weight, yiddish, india

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