Hanuka, Mati's bday

Dec 12, 2009 18:06

How how I love Hanuka!

David got me pearl earrings and Guess earrings. My left ear still hurt like heck when I put rings on, but for some reason despite being heavy and long my Guess earrings are extra comfy to sleep in, the only pair I can wear except my hoops!
Mom got me tons of gorgeous make up stuff and a perfume I love.
Mati loves her toy that sings brachos and it's such a good idea given she'll be 3 in a few months.

Which leads to my other idea: 3rd birthday is not just a bday, it's the beginning of official chinuch traditionally and while girls don't get upsherins or wimpels I plan to do something Mati will remember forever IYH.

First we will celebrate the Jewish date, which is 5 days before Purim and a Tuesday this year. It's very practical. We'll still be in France so I'll get to invite my frum friends and their kids. Not sure yet what we will do but I'm thinking hard. I will probably include the honey/Hebrew letters licking thing, if only for the gorgeous pics we will get ;)

In the mean time I'll try to make sure Mati doesn't skip a Mode ani in the morning and a Shema at night, and maybe we will even start food brachos, although people keep saying it's too early.

We will also do something with my parents (need to find out when) and my family in Israel probably on the right date.

On a weird note, it's starting again. Twitter has been putting my tweets randomly instead of in order.

My diet is definitely tiring me. Maybe I should go to second phase, which is easier and was supposed to begin one week ago but I'm losing so much I'm not motivated to change... it's crazy despite the cortisone and the hormones I'm losing, not gaining!

diet, family, health, twitter, perfume, hanuka, chinuch, israel, ear piercing, mati, makeup, friends, birthday

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