Why I'm soooo happy I finally have that master

Nov 01, 2009 22:52

Why I'm soooo happy I finally have that master:

-my parents, grand parents, husband are so proud
-educated women are a family tradition for those who could afford. Even my Bobover great grandmother went to superior studies after high school.
-for any job I can ask for a much higher starting salary, as I have a master (only 32% of the French have more than a BA - three year degree)
-I can teach in a public school and be a deluxe teacher much sought after in a private school (for example a Jewish school where I'll have the Jewish holidays)
-If I want to go for a doctorat/PhD I have the basis
-I can do translation or give tutoring even to adults as "master" is associated with "fully bilingual, academic, well cultured and competent person"
-in the same idea, I'm now respected in any intellectual circle (although less than a "dokto" with a PhD/doctorat ;) ) and they often overlap with frum circles
-I had finished and succeeded all the courses, it would have been to bad not to graduate
-I can now write articles in high quality magazines about related topics - and probably even others
-it is a kiddush Hashem to write a thesis on Yiddish and what it brings to non Jews
-it is a kiddush Hashem to show non Jews and non frum people that "even " a young, very frum, mother can succeed academically
-I hope that assimilated Jews may learn from this thesis and wish to come back, or at least to get interested in their roots, which is why I plan to offer it to Jewish institutions
-Yiddish is an endangered language, it needs to be written about!
-surveys show the degree of the mother has an influence on the children's school results and ultimately degrees, so I'm working for Mati and iyh my other children!

university, thesis, family, chinuch, work, women, judaism, mati, husband, france, yiddish

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