(no subject)

Dec 18, 2007 15:29

I am soooo sick. Nasty bug. And if I'm unlucky enough they'll pull off a few wisdom teeth. AAAARGH.
According to the x ray, 1 is out, 1 is almost out, 1 is going out and the last one is only starting to peak a tiny bit - of course it's the last one that looks like it could be good to remove... sure, it would have been too easy to remove out that's already out and avoid the stitches in the gum...

good thoughts and prayers more than welcome, Ruchel bat (daughter of) Miriam Shaindel

We learn in Mesechta Avoda Zoroh, actually, it begings with the first mishna of the mesechta, that it forbidden to do commerce with Non-Jews three days before and three days after their Holidays.

Chazal (our sages) names a few of these non-Jewish holodays, one of which is the Roman festival of Saturnalia, which is the 25th of December, which has been incorporated into christianity as X-mas. Saturnalia was the Roman Sun-Gods birthday. X-mas=Saturnalia

Chazal goes into detail about why we refrain from buying or paying debts during these few days. The reason is that the "Balei Kochovim" (literally star worshipers) would chaas V'shalom take your payment as a gift from false gods. We do not pay withing the three days of their festivals so that the money does not go to offerings to false gods, nor that the names of false gods should be invoked because of you.

We are also not supposed to accept payment from them. Chazal explains that though they would rather not pay a debt, since it causes distress to pay off a debt, after it is done they may rejoice for having the weight of the mpending payment over their heads having been lifted.

Why not the three days after their festival? Because they may mistake the cause of their good fortune with the festival and rejoice in its merit.

However, one may be permitted to do business with a corporation or a company who have Jews on the board, though I suggest one should ask a Ruv for further advice in the matter.

health, wisdomteeth, flr, xmas

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