The holidays

Oct 06, 2009 18:43

So, there was Yom Kippur. I was exhausted but managed better than I thought I would. David did tanit dibur (not speaking) and didn't sit. Mati started quiet but ended up horribly misbehaving at shul.

Yomim tovim: I would have thought women would dress up. I saw only ugg boots, sneakers, denim, tichels... basically like my ex community, but tzniusdik/frummer.

Simchas Beis Hashoeva: the celebration was so-so mamash (two euros for blah cotton candy??) and only in the end did the show become interesting. Many kids were wild and ill bred, pushing me and then being chutzpadik, but I put them in their place.
But I met my friends Ayala and Sure (Perel's friend), and another friend who lives just the neighbour building, Liora. Only in France though do you find chassidim dressed as French soldiers with tzitzis and expecting everyone to sing La Marseillaise, before having Arabic music (and curiously, a Ladino song too) and finally singing in Yiddish ;)

judaism, yomtov, clothes, france, husband, kippur, friends

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