
Aug 22, 2007 04:19

1.Where is your cell phone? bag
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover? awwwww
3. Your hair? blond
4. Your mother? understanding
5. Your father? caring
6. Your favorite item? dunno
7. Your dream last night? dunno
8. Your favorite drink? juices
9. Your dream car? pink
10. The room you are in? bedroom
11. Your ex? nonexistent
12. Your fear? intermarriages
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Large-family-mom
14. Who did you hang out with last night? husband
15. What you're not? boring
16. The last thing you did? tv
17. What are you wearing? guess
18. Your favorite book? One??
19. The last thing you ate? tiramisu
20. Your mood? bored
21. Your friends? fun
22. What are you thinking about right now? boredom
23. Your car? red
24. What are you doing at the moment? typing
25. Your summer? great
26. Your relationship status? married
27. What is on your tv? mess
28. When is the last time you laughed? today
29. Last time you cried? Dunno?
30. School? university


Votre Score: House Baratheon
54% Dominant, 54% Extroverted, 36% Trustworthy

Fun-loving. Passionate. Arrogant. Practically an animal, you are of House Baratheon.

You are of a more dominant personality, which justifies your hold on the Iron Throne. But is it really your throne? Single-minded and stubborn, you won’t rest until you’ve accomplished your goal; unfortunately for you, you’re too simple to progress any further. You can warm the seat of a chair well enough, but gods save us all if you actually tried to control anything. You can barely control yourself! You’re horrible at long-term planning and you’re too self-involved to keep yourself from being manipulated. In chess, you are the rook: short, sturdy, and direct-but ultimately an unessential piece destined to fall as the unintentional shield of bigger (and badder) pieces.

You are extroverted, which makes you a hero to small children the realm over. But who the hell cares what children think!? You may have a bold personality, and you’ve probably got courage and charisma in spades, but those allies you attract will only stick with you until they discover your shortcomings. The friends you make in life are likely those who are looking for a life-long quest. If you’re smart, you’ll never give them a chance to be disappointed in you.

Finally, you are also untrustworthy. Does this surprise you? Playful and high-spirited as you are, you find yourself attracted to glory, and glory always means trouble. If you die without achieving greatness of some kind, you’ll likely die unhappy. Your need for success is a basic need that throbs beneath your personality, and you’ll do whatever you need to do to make it so. When the opportunity presents itself, you’ll spring like a damn jack-in-the-box.

Representative characters include: Robert Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, and Joffrey "Baratheon"

Similar Houses: Greyjoy, Targaryen,and Tyrell

Opposite House: Stark

When playing the game of thrones, you play it like you want to win.
Lien: The Song of Ice and Fire House Test écrit par Geeky_Stripper sur OkCupid Rencontres gratuites online, home of the Le Test de Personnalité Votre Score: RAVENCLAW!

You scored 24% Slytherin, 48% Ravenclaw, 36% Gryffindor, and 24% Hufflepuff!

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind.

Ravenclaws are known for their intelligence, ingenuity, and lifelong thirst for knowledge.

Lien: The Sorting Hat Test écrit par leeannslytherin sur OkCupid, home of the Le Test de Personnalité

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

25% Yankee

15% Dixie

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

You scored as Socially Conservative Republican, Social conservatives share a belief in traditional morality and social mores and the desire to preserve these in present day society, often through civil law or regulation. The government should use its influence in the public square to support traditional family values.

New Democrat

80% Socially Conservative Republican

80% Foreign Policy Hawk

75% Old School Democrat

65% Green

55% Libertarian

45% Pro Business Republican

What's Your Political Philosophy?
created with QuizFarm.com

NOTE: zNo smoking around ruchel. Thankyou for your co-operation.
From Go-Quiz.com

Votre Score: Wile E. Coyote!

You scored 57 Aggression, 85 Sophistication, and 71 Optimism!

You are intelligent, sophisticated, and the physical personification of the can-do attitude. No matter how many times something blows up in your face (figuratively or literally) or prized project collapses around you, you will pick yourself up and try, try again. There is a good chance that you are very skilled in problem solving and would probably make a fine engineer. Your main weaknesses (and this is likely obvious to everyone but yourself) are your overconfidence and complete lack of perspective. When you inevitably fail at a task (you can�t possibly achieve all of the lofty goals you set for yourself), you tend to take it personally. If you are not careful, you can become thoroughly obsessed with what is not really a very meaty goal. Try taking a step back from time to time and figure out for yourself if it is really worth it, or if your talents could be best put towards a more rewarding goal. Also, your desire for things to work out the way you�ve planned can make you a bit gullible.

Lien: The Which Looney Tune Are You Test écrit par coolguy3000 sur OkCupid Rencontres gratuites online, home of the Le Test de Personnalité

Which philosopher are you?

1. St. Augustine (100%) Information link 2. Aquinas (88%) Information link 3. Plato (65%) Information link 4. Ockham (60%) Information link 5. Spinoza (60%) Information link 6. Aristotle (52%) Information link 7. Kant (43%) Information link 8. John Stuart Mill (42%) Information link 9. David Hume (37%) Information link 10. Ayn Rand (34%) Information link 11. Jeremy Bentham (32%) Information link 12. Stoics (32%) Information link 13. Cynics (30%) Information link 14. Nel Noddings (30%) Information link 15. Prescriptivism (26%) Information link 16. Jean-Paul Sartre (25%) Information link 17. Nietzsche (25%) Information link 18. Epicureans (20%) Information link 19. Thomas Hobbes (10%) Information link

You scored as C.G. Jung, You are more of a spiritualist than would be immediately apparent. Some of your notions are questioned by the cynical, but deep down you know the human consciousness is more than the flesh and tissue can account for. You tend to take a scientific observationist look on matters the average person wouldn't even begin to analyze. You personally are responsible for most of the ideas that are floating around in modern psychologist's/psychic's paltry little skulls. On the down side, you tend to be associated with that asshole Freud.

C.G. Jung

83% O.J. Simpson

58% Mother Teresa

58% Adolf Hitler

58% Jesus Christ

50% Friedrich Nietzsche

50% Sigmund Freud

42% Steven Morrissey

33% Stephen Hawking

33% Dante Alighieri

33% Miyamoto Musashi

33% Hugh Hefner

17% Elvis Presley

8% Charles Manson

What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You?
created with QuizFarm.com

I am:
Republican."Congratulations, you're a swing voter. When they say 'Nascar Dad', they mean you. Every Republican ad on the TV set was made just for your viewing pleasure. Don't you feel special?"

Are You A Republican?

Your travel type: Party Animal

The Party Animal always wears sunglasses during his vacation. He likes a good hotel, with a swimming pool and room service. A couple of drinks at night, maybe see a show, maybe roll the dice, that's the way to spend the evening.

Culture? A museum? The others can go while the Party Animal stays in bed. You'll find him by the side of the pool when you get back with a martini to get rid of the hangover.

top destinations:
Las Vegas
New York
stay away from:
Ciudad Perdida
Darien Gap
get your own travel profile

Mmmmmm... Paris I live there. NY and LV I know. But apparently I wouldn't thrive on an exotic vacation?

What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract Yuppies!

You attract the very well-dressed, job oriented type of people. They usually have their finances together, are 'middle of the road' on most topics, generally happy with the 'main-stream' of things. If it is stability you are after, these are good people to attract, if you seek adventure, it may be time for an overhaul.
You attract models!

You attract geeks!

You attract artsy people!

You attract unstable people!

You attract rednecks!

What type of person do you attract?
Quizzes for MySpace

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?

You're Marilyn Monroe!
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You scored as Luxurious Upper Class, As a member of the upper class, you will always have the satisfaction that there are many underneath you to slave for your every need and want. Live the high life.

Upper middle Class

75% Luxurious Upper Class

75% Middle Class

71% alternative

54% Lower Class

What Social Status are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?
this quiz was made by Lori Fury

hp, politics, test

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