Oct 25, 2008 22:12
So that's it... we're creating our first ad to put in L'Actualité Juive and try and find an apartment with G-d's help. We're renting, to see how we like the community first.
We're hesitating on the words... "young couple"... well, some people hate the youth. "Frum couple", well, some people will have stereotypes about poverty and not working and so on. "Couple with a child", morons may think we're not THAT frum. "Couple with [some kind of short form of 'child/ren' not letting you see plural or singular]", people may fear noise.
Aaaargh. 24.50 euros for one week, so we need to work on it! I just hope there are as many people as I think who read AJ - it's the most read in France, also sold in non Jewish shops in Jewish areas and all.