Mar 01, 2009 21:27
Really lazy weekend - is there any other kind? Worked yesterday morning then spent all afternoon avoiding my physiology lab write up :/ Went to see Franklyn - I really enjoyed it but don't go see it unless you like weird films! Today had a nice lie in and got up - avoided my uni work a bit more, then finally did my report - it's so half-arsed though, I don't have any motivation for uni at the moment so I'm struggling to put any time or effort into anything. I'll be boned when it's time for exams cos I've done no extra reading or anything yet :O
Owen went into town to return some microphones or something he'd borrowed and bought me the Watchmen graphic novel :D Very good so far - should be seeing it next weekend so that's something to look forward to!
Back to the sweatshop for work this week :( At least I've got tomorrow and Thursday off for uni stuff though!! Everything in our lab is a total disaster at the moment - there's just stuff everywhere - samples keep going missing within the lab which is REALLY bad - in case you couldn't guess that already! Patients don't like having to get bled again because the lab has put their sample in the wrong rack and it's gone walkies!!
Trying to be good and not spend much money so I'll have plenty when me and Owen go to Manchester :D Not been too bad so far (for me at least) although I did buy trainers on Friday and take us out for Nandos!
Back to The OC now then! We're on episode 22 of season 2 in case anyone is interested - Owen tried to resist when I first started re-watching them but he's hooked now too - muahahaha!!