(FIC) Sanctuary_The Angel's Guardian 3/3 & Epilog

Jan 09, 2012 17:39

Title: The Angel's Guardian
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairing: Mainly Helen, Henry, and Nikola, with guest starring Will and Biggie. Also a OC of my own making.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: There's no real spoilers to any episode but it takes place somewhere between Season 2: Episode 2 and Season 2: Episode 10.
Word Count: Altogether 10,401
Author’s Notes: Thank you to viviantanner for proofing my story for me as well as doing some artwork for it. Also I would like to say that my Muse actually had more planned for this story but I didn't have time to write it all, so this is just the beginning of a series that I will be working on.
Disclaimer: I do not own Sanctuary in any way, shape, or form and am not getting paid for this story...unless you count the fun I had writing it.

Summary: Helen Magnus has many friends but who knew she had friends in a convent; a convent that's been home to a beautiful winged Abnormal, Glenda, who is now on the wish list of a black market dealer. Wishing to keep her safe, the nuns send her to live with Helen at the Sanctuary but will the walls of the Sanctuary be able to keep this 'angel' safe.

Part Three

Henry roamed the halls of the Sanctuary trying to find Glenda she hadn’t show up in his lab after breakfast like she normally does and he had started getting worry about her. He was currently heading to the main lab when his hand held started going off, showing that someone was coming through the roof access with Tesla’s code but he knew that the vampire wasn’t even in the Sanctuary at the moment. Turning around he started down the hall leading to the roof.

He slowed reaching the door, it was left open and he had a feeling that whoever opened it was still out there. He slowly opened it the rest of the way leaning out to see who was out there before going out himself. Outside sitting on the edge of the roof was the person that he was looking for Glenda was wearing a purple dress, designed like the white one she wearing at the convent, the first day that Henry meet her. The skirt warped around her legs as they dangled over the side of the building, her hair flew about from the wind covering her face, and her wings were wrapped around her almost like a cape.

He stepped from the doorway moving across the roof, Glenda didn’t show any notice that she heard him, she just continued to stare out over the river and city. “Hello Glenda,” he said about halfway across not wanting to scare her.

She turned with a slight jump, looking over her shoulder with a look that told Henry that she knew she was somewhere she wasn’t supposed to be. “Oh, hello Henry, I’m sorry I didn’t come to help you after breakfast but I wanted to see this view just one more time before I left tonight.”

“Wait! What?” Henry jump to her side kneeling next to her.

“I overheard Mr. Tesla and Dr. Magnus talking about the letter and about taking me tonight to the loading dock. Please don’t yell at Mr. Tesla for giving me his code for the roof, it was just a wonderful view up here, he told me his to use until I could get my own but now I guess I won’t be getting any kind of codes for the Sanctuary.” Glenda lowered her head, a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

Henry reached out rubbing his thumb across her cheek, “You’re not going anywhere Glenda. Doc isn’t handing you over to anyone.”

“She isn’t?”

“No, for one reason, you’re a living being, not an item. Remember when you asked me about redlisters?” He asked joining her, swinging his legs over the edge, she nodded. “Well, don’t tell Doc that I told you but redlisters are people who sell Abnormals for money, most of all rare Abnormals and you Glenda, are a very rare and very beautiful Abnormal.”

“So this guy that wants me…”

“Is probably just planning to put you up on some web site and sell you off to the highest bidder but Magnus isn’t going to let that happen, neither am I.”

“You mean it?”

“Yep, now what do you say about going and getting you your own code for the roof?”

“Okay,” Glenda said standing from her seat. “Mr. Tesla won’t get in trouble for giving me his code, will he?”

Henry smiled, “I won’t tell the Doc if you don’t.”

“You know, for a werewolf and a vampire, you and Mr. Tesla are nicer to each other than I thought you would be.”

Henry laughed at that, standing to join her walking to the door, “You know Glenda, you shouldn’t believe everything that you read in books.”


Henry sat in the back of the van computers all turned on and tuned into the cameras that surrounded the Loading Dock Four. Helen and Nikola stood behind the van, the back door wide open. It was seven fifty-five and they were waiting for Arrows to make the first move to the dock. At about seven fifty-seven, a black limo and a black van pulled up to the dock.

“I’ll bet you a bottle of your fineness wine that he had no intention for Glenda to ride with him.” Nikola said.

Helen smiled, “I think you’ve already drank my fineness wine Nikola.” nodding to Henry. “Let’s go.”

Henry hit a button turning the computers off and handed a shock gun to Helen, he offered one to Nikola but the vampire just shook his head and started walking off. Henry sighed grabbing a shock gun of his own before jumping out of the van, shutting the doors and followed Helen to the dock.

They turned the corner, Helen in the middle of them as they moved to the dock, they stopped a few feet away from the limo, not saying or doing anything. The limo’s headlights turned off, driver’s door opening as a woman wearing a black skirt suite got out, her blond hair up in a bun under a black hat. Henry wondered just how a woman like that got a job driving for a man like Arrows, but his thoughts were interrupted as five men climb out of the van, each one wearing black. The woman moved to the back door opening it, a man in a black pinstriped suite and red tied with short salt and pepper hair stepped out. He walked towards them, stopping after only a few steps.

“Why am I not surprise to found that you didn’t do as I instructed you to do in the letter.” He said his voice low.

“It would seem that not all of those tales were just stories,” Helen said.

“Yes, well, good thing I had planned on this.” An evil looking grin crossed Arrows’s lips as he snapped his fingers.

It was like they had rehearsed it, Henry and Nikola moved back to back behind Helen as some more men stepped out of the shadows, these men however had guns with them and they looked ready to use them. Henry pulled his own gun while Nikola’s nails and fangs grew, his eyes going black, and Helen remained clam not making any movement at all.

“What a shame,” Helen said, “I had hope that we could just talk about this.”


When Helen insisted that Will stay at the Sanctuary, Henry had thought that she was overreacting just a little but as he walked into the entrance hall of with Helen and Nikola to find Will and Biggie standing watch over a pile of unconscious man all wearing black clothes and black masks he thought differently.

“I see that we’re not the only ones that had fun tonight,” Will said as they entered.

Henry was covered in mud from a puddle that he was thrown into, Helen’s hair was a mess, and Nikola’s jacket and shirt was cut on the sleeve from when he was fighting one of Arrows’s men that had a knife.

“Is everyone alright?” Helen asked.

Will nodded, “Henry’s program caught sight of them before they even got into the Sanctuary. We would able to give them a little welcome party.”

Henry joined Will and Biggie in a good chuckle, Helen smiled, and Nikola just shook his head mumbled something about children and headed up stairs.

“I’ve already called Duncan to come and take care of our guests.”

“Thank you Will,” Helen said moving to the stairs.

“Um, what happened at the dock?” Will asked.

“I think it would be best told over some tea,” Helen shouted from the second floor.

Will and Biggie both turned to Henry, he stopped their questions raising his hands, “I’m covered in mud.” It was all he said as he moved past them to his room.


They sat in Helen’s office, the sun shining through the window into the room.

Helen was in her chair, Will and Henry in the chairs in front of her desk, while Nikola sat in one of the wing chairs by the fireplace, a glass of wine in hand.

“So, Mister Arrows won’t be bothering Glenda again,” Helen said finishing telling Will what had happened the night before.

“At least not for a while,” Will said.

“Yes, but now we have a new enemy out there,” Henry said.

Nikola chuckled straighten up in the chair, “As if you didn’t have a small list of those to begin with. What’s one more name to it?”

“How long are you planning to stay here?” Henry asked, turning on the vampire.

“Nikola was actually…” Helen stopped at the knocking on the door, “Come in.”

The door slowly opened to Glenda leaning halfway in, “You asked to see me Dr. Magnus?”

“Yes, Glenda please come in.” Glenda entered the room moving to the desk. Henry stood from his seat offering it to her which she took with a smile, her wings landing on each side of the chair’s back. “Henry told me that you knew about the letters.”

“I’m so sorry, Ididn’tmeantoeavesdropbutIwasjustwalkingbyandIhearMr.Teslaand…”

“Glenda, Glenda, it’s alright,” Helen said lifting her hands. “You don’t have to apologize.”

Glenda sat back giving a sigh, “I understand though, I’ll go pack my things.”

“What?” Henry asked.

“You want me to leave, right? To go back to the convent,” Glenda said.

“No, we don’t want you to go.” Henry jumped in before Helen could say anything.

“You don’t?” Glenda looked to Helen.

Helen smiled, “Well, we don’t want you to go but that is why I called for you. You see, Nikola is actually going to be leaving for a while but on his way to his own journey, he promised to drop something off at the Pairs Sanctuary for me.”

Glenda turned to Nikola who was taking a slip from his glass, “I remember you saying that you always wanted to go to Paris.” He said when he was done.

“I’ve already talk to Sister Marie and although she was against it at the beginning, I was able to talk her into agreeing, if you would like to join him.” Helen went on, “The head of the Paris Sanctuary have agree to let you stay for a while and has even already made a room for you.”

“Yes, YES!  Of course I would love to go!” Glenda shouted jumping up from the seat, “Thank you so much Dr. Magnus.” She ran around the desk and almost knock Helen’s chair over giving her a hug.

Helen couldn’t help but to join in the laugher at the young Abnormal, “It’s settled then.” She said hugging back before holding Glenda at arm lengths, “And know this Glenda, you will always be welcome here.”

The End

word count: complete, word count: 10000-15000, challenge: big/mini/reverse bangs, character: henry foss, fandom: sanctuary, character: bigfoot, character: helen magnus, character: nikola tesla, type: fan fiction, character: will zimmerman

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