One Month to Go

May 09, 2011 20:24

Let me get it out of the way...

I cannot even begin to describe how excited and scared I am for this move. For the first time in my life, I would be living alone. By myself. Just me. And I can't wait!

I'm in one of those windows! Weee! :)I'm moving to a one bedroom penthouse apartment in a recently gentrified neighborhood - much to the chagrin of my local friends. It's near the Metro, Target, Bed Bath, Best Buy, Giant, IHOP AND Chipotle. It's like a dream come true! (More really because of it's proximity to Chipotle.)

But there's also sadness and fear. The last time I gathered all my possessions and boxed them up was when I left the Philippines for good. Just this weekend I got rid of old things I've unknowingly held on to - test papers from college, notes from friends, even plane and train tickets from past travels. I admit I got emotional as I went through my things. I've only known two homes in my life, the one in Manila and this apartment in DC. I'm only moving a mile a way but it feels like I'm leaving so much more.

Still the idea of having my own space, of decorating, of hosting friends from out of town, of not having to share a bathroom - estar viviendo un sueño! :) I just can't help but be excited for this new adventure.

new apartment
