I have been admonished once again for not posting often enough, so I'm once again making a new year's effort to actually use my journal to share bits of my life with the world around me.
I've always found the end of the year to be a good time for reflection. What's funny is, as I sit here, I can't remember too many outstanding details of the past year - last January seems like a very long time ago. I'm sure if I went back and worked at it I could come up with more, but two things really stand out as having had a impact on my life.
Fannishly, June and July were a pleasant glut of cons and friends. In mid-June
con_txt was held not too far away from here and I had a wonderful time wallowing in friends and fandom. Notably, I finally got to meet
juice817 in person! And after the con
isidore13 stuck around to provide continuing fannish fun over the next several weeks. Of course, this meant that
dementordelta came up to visit fairly often and that could only make things better. This all concluded with the big 'trip to Las Vegas' in July, first for ConStrict and then Lumos, with a few days in between for sightseeing and shopping and restaurants. Two very different cons where I met two different groups of people and had much fannish fun with both!
In August, my focus shifted a bit from fun back into work. I came home and started reporting to a new supervisor, which required some adjustment but seems to have worked out pretty well. More significantly, I was finally accepted into the office work-at-home program, so the end of August was all about training for that and in September I started working from my home office! I still have to go to the real office once a week, but the time and money I save by not commuting the other days is substantial. It's required quite a bit of adjustment and I wouldn't say I'm fully settled into it yet, but I certainly can't complain about the advantages.
And now another new year begins. This one is already promising significant changes, as
swtalmnd has begun making plans to move back to California in the spring. We've had a lot of fun in the time that she's lived here, but ultimately we both know it's the right thing for her to do. It means things will be more interesting for a while, though. And more quiet after she goes, especially now that my job only actually requires me to see other human beings once a week. I expect I'll have to make even more of an effort to actually leave my house, although I suppose I could invite people over as well! There's couches and a big TV and many DVDs I've never actually watched...
Objectively, that doesn't really change the basic things I want for the new year, which are essentially more of everything: more exercise, more reading of real books, more writing, more eating right, more reading of fanfic, more watching of dvds, more socializing. The challenge, I suppose, is to manage this without having more time to go along with it. Every year I hope I'll figure it out, but so far it's only been a gradual process. I suppose there's always a chance that this year it'll fall into place.
Still, I'm content that today I can look back and say my life has had some real high points this past year, and I can look ahead in anticipation of the unknown, new adventures that await in the year ahead.
Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's celebration, in whatever form it takes, and a bright, wonderful New Year as well!!