(no subject)

Sep 29, 2004 23:15

I'm very excited!! Tomorrow is the end of our fiscal year at work, complete with many requirements and deadlines. So, the past few weeks I've been concentrating on work more than usual trying to keep from struggling with the deadline. I'm still not sure if that paid off, or if I'm just really lucky, but to my amazement, all the stuff that absolutely had to be done and turned in by Friday afternoon is done already! It's a little confusing for me, because I'm such a procrastinator I really thought I'd be working right up to the last minute, but I suppose every once in a while things work out.

Still, I'm not one to let an opportunity pass me by, so I'm taking tomorrow and Friday off instead! I've been letting everything slide a little, so I'm sure I'll spend the whole long weekend catching up on things. Meanwhile, I'm also trying to put together a reading list, to keep me entertained, so I figured I should ask for some help. I'm horrible at keeping up with my flist and I'm way behind on everything, so what's out there that I really ought to read? Or ought to have read already? Any and all suggestions appreciated!

Update tomorrow on all the car/leak stuff, because I really should bore you all with it, but I'm too tired right now.
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