(no subject)

Apr 21, 2004 17:08

KK sorry everybody I deleted some entries and all the comments because of my BROTHER!! gr.

Anywho, today was Day of Silence or whatever and it's where you stay silent the whole day standing up for gays/straights/and bi's and stuff for like them always being silent about themselves and getting hurt for it. Omg it was soo funny..I got a stick and put it on. No more talking! Right after Halsey, Alex R., and I walk out of the Guidance office I go "Yea" lol...but then I DIDNT TALK AT ALL AFTER THAT!!!!!! Shocking..especially me..everyone else I heard gave up on it and blurted quite a few times..I was dead serious about it and I didn't say a word!! lol.
Advisory- she talked about it and then noticed i had a sticker and she's like "your doing it??" and everyone was looking and talking to me lol..i wrote notes back! haha.
Biology-I come in early so i'm the only girl in there and the guys are in there talking about the stickers and silence and steven notices me and so they all surround me trying to get me to talk it was sooo funny! We had to do a group project today and like..lol..it was hard cause Dave wouldn't stop picking on me for the sticker thing he wanted to get me to talk so bad. Mike the jock dude was having so much fun with it he's like "So you cutting pictures with the lesbian? Is the lesbian going to fill out the timeline?" Kept referring me as the lesbian but it was just soo funny!! lol we were all having fun with it.
English-Dana was like "dude i'm seriously gonna get u to talk" because i talk nonstope..lol..we watched the movie wow what fun..not thne like 15 minutes left Shawn and Pat and that whole group was talking about not seeing one person silent today Dana goes "HEY KELLY RAISE UR HAND!" ...lol..thankssssss!! So I sat on the ground with my head on her knee tired lol..and we were writing notes while Dana kept putting my hair brushed over my ear tickling me..lol
Geometry-UGH! Stephen Kendrick is a total immature fag!! God!! If you want to know about this just MSG ME AND ILL TELL YOU IT ALL!! GOD!

I know what if feels like to be descriminated now..god stephens a jerk.
World Geography-was late for dont care got new seats..they suck not near anyone i know..god..Zack he's like "so you're not talking all day" ::nods:: "Yeah same here" lol..he's talking away so funny.
Lunch-didn't talk at all.....did homework and wrote notes to caroline
gym-The only period I talked because I had to for my CPR test..and I showed Karie and Kevin the note Stephen gave me and they were mad too. I love you Karie.
Chorus-we sang some crap..whatever...I only singed in there because I had to..for my grade :(
Spanish-Chris Bales and Mike got everyone not to speak all period for it lol..so funny.
After school..had a meeting and stuff..I finally got to talkkkkk gave everybody hugs lol.
I talked with all the people I know who are like gay or wearing the stickers and they said they couldn't do it all day but they liked it and stuff lol.
Then I found Halsey and John for the hockey game..and Matt..Matt went into the bathroom to go to the bathroom halsey opens the door "are you on the (whatever the things are called on the wall to piss) I dont remember what they're called lol or the stall..and he said the thing on the wall..halsey thought he was joking so she walked right in and i was walking in behind her and then she's like "O GOD!!!" and ran out crushing my boob. lol..we walked around..made fun of someones actness and running...hahaha..::no comment:: lol...matt made a comment that his dick was big..yea...and he has a condom in his wallet pocket..ya........he has money! lol
we went in to watch the game I was SOO hyper and I was cheering like an idiot "Be aggressive be ee aggressive!! a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e AGGRESSIVE!! BEEEEE agressive!!" And the we got the beat song and lets go johns team lets go! lol..then dana and meg showed up YAE!! we all got hyper and crazy and the guys we were talking about stuff openly o man..how on friday halseys thong was all the way up and her pants kept falling down..and how meg asked what size my boobs were and she has C and I have D and she was like " Ihate you" and I told her how some of my bras are C but my boobs like almost pop out and how they popped out a few times on friday :( lol...it was so fun..then i rested my head in halseys lap and she had her head down i was trying to make her laugh haha. i had to go and matt wanted a hug...it was..weird lol.
We went to Jewel and i saw marissa leaving there and i called her phone haha! I love u!
Then I got stuff and I found an Elmo and his Duckies book and I read it to my mom..I was so hyper..then the guy at the check out for bags was sort of hitting on me =/

Matt grabbed my boobs and ass...as well as he wanted me to shutup so he put his hand over my mouth so i started licking it lol..so now i'm home and i'm going to go running!! YEA!!

lol...I'll talk to you all later! Love !!!xoxoxoxo

I love you Brendan!! lol :D:D:D:D
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