Apr 07, 2004 23:14
"I also have World Voices tonight and something has been up with Kelly. It's starting to really worry me. She has been really quiet and really down. She looked really cute today though. I love her sooo much and I hope she is ok. I gave her a fishy kiss today and I don't think that helped much. I should give her another one tonight. She looks like she needs some luvin"
Halseys Journal^^
I'm sorry about recently Halsey..I have been down about a lot of things and you know I usually try to cover everything up. But a lot has really gotten me down lately and I just couldn't cover it up anymore and it really upset me. I've really tried being happy today..world voices after you made me a lil bit happy and I love you for that. I'm going to have my ups and downs the next few days, but I'll really try to keep them up hun..I'm sorry for worrying you. I'll put on a smile to make you happy :D Today I was still really down..but I had my happiness in there too. The end of the day was a lot of fun and it made me really happy. I love you for that. You're my best friend Halsey and I love you with all my heart girl. We need to hang out more and all. I hope we can soon xoxox.
Love, Kelly
Yes again tonight I got down big time..and it hurt..I really am acting strange lately..but atleast I ate a bit today..lately I haven't been eating, sleeping much, talking much, or being happy..I smiled today..I ate today..I'm probably not going to sleep though seeing I have a lot of homework to do and I haven't started yet and I'm really tired..well..I'm gonna go do things. I'll write more tomorrow or something. 1 more day-then the weekend