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Feb 06, 2005 11:26

Charlie: "I'm a bird."
Grandpa Joe:"I'm a plane."
but little did they know that they were flying straight toward a super fast spinning fan. *Directors Cut - orginally we were going to have them hit the fan and die in a most grotesque manner and have the oompa-loompas sing a song about how to not drink and fly but we had to sacrifice that part in order to keep it G rated so we just made them burp to come down*. by the time they realized their doom they were too close to do anything.
Charlie: "We're going to high, hey grandpa I cant get down!"
Grandpa Joe burps.
Granpa Joe: "hey im going down, burp charlie burp! burp!"
Charlie: "I cant i dont know how."
All of a sudden charlie begins to burp. *Directors Cut - well since charlie really couldn't burp we were going to have him throw up but didn't know how to do it without making it look cheesey since he is being suspended from a wire and is in air, so we scrapped the idea and dubbed the burps.*
Grandpa Joe: "From now we on we better keep our feet on the ground."
As Charlie and Grandpa Joe begin their descent to the floor they hold one another close after brushing death. *Directors Cut - if you look take a look at the bubble machine you will notice that the tips are very sharp. while shooting that scene we kept messing up so before we went back again the producer and i took some acid and we came up with this idea that charlie and grandpa joe should fall onto the sharp ends and die and once again have the oompa-loompas come out and sing a song about drinking and flying and how not to play with razor sharp things but once again we had to make it G rated so we scrapped the idea but it should be in the DVd which comes out next month.

And that conclude our edition of Unseen Scenes.
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