I've been busy

Apr 04, 2007 19:48

I started taking Wedensdays off work so I would have a full day in the middle of the week to study at home. Everything is soo much easier now, but I'm still busy. For about a month and a half there I was all about the waking up at seven to study for a few hours before leaving for work at nine. It sounds hard, but its actually alot easier than studying in the evening after I come home from work. I do heavy reading in the morning and heavy thinking in the afternoon, then I eat dinner and then I get to fall asleep next to the boy. But then the weather got nicer, I started walking home after work, and I started getting baaad allergies, the kind that make you exhausted and make getting any kind of work done about six billion times harder ever. The allergies coincided with deciding to review atom theory, which is hard enough to study when you're not feeling really sick in the early morning. I started sleeping until eight, and then reading the fluffier parts of the New Yorker while choking down an ENTIRE pot of coffee in about ten minutes. It got hotter, so all the bananas at the grocery store were brown and sticky. I don't have a good day unless it starts with a good banana. In the past week I've worked my way back up to five cups of coffee a day, a pot in the morning and then two or three more while I sit at my desk. When I come home, another two pots of tea get me through emails and freaking out about where i may or may not be going next summer/fall/decade. (we're at the stage when we have detailed, involved conversations about how I am leaving him in the summer. Actually, about two months from now. And it's terrifying, in a paralyzing way.)
Anyway. Except for the allergies (and the intense, paralyzing conversations) and the going to work part, things are going really well. Actually, even the work bit is ok for now, I've been doing more research-ey stuff, less of the annoying office girl shit that involves people who don't know your name or who signs your paycheck thinking you will drop everything to carry three boxes of books across campus for you in the rain just because they have a PhD and, ahem, wear too much aftershave. Also less of the hand-delivering three hundred envelope mailings all over campus despite there being THREE seperate mail services who have people who are paid to do nothing but deliver envelopes around campus. Those people have golf carts and maps, and also know that they have to do that every day and so come prepared, which means knowing to have an extra sweater handy and not wear their high-heeled boots that were falsely advertised as being waterproof. Lately it's been transcript review, library runs and filing new student materials. And less than twenty hours a week, which means I've been able to spend more like thirty-five hours a week on school work, which is absolutely lovely. School is WONDERFUL this semester.
To proove it I just finally updated my blog again for the first time in a couple of weeks. It's hard to read about neutrons and electrons at seven in the morning, and it's hard to have to wake up at seven in general, and it's always alot of work, but it's an absolute pleasure to work on this material and it's still lovely.
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